Cutting foam. Not plastic. I saw somewhere that one soldering iron came with an attachment for cutting rope, like a hot knife. It isn't a feature I need, I just thought it would be an extra thing that I might use once a year.
Thanks for showing me what you use.
Yeah I've looked into this before. I think you need a specific type of soldering iron/knife. I've only seen it done with Arc Welding.
If you plan on doing this, do it IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA or OUTSIDE. The fumes are very toxic!
Thanks a TON thatdecade for the information! I can't believe you have to use a high power source! And a tether?? LAME!!!!
I've got a question myself. Ever heard of a Sonic Screwdriver? It is blasphemous if you haven't! =P
The Sonic Screwdriver. A unique tool used by The Doctor, from Doctor Who. It is used to unlock/lock things, scan for stuff,
turn things on and off, among other things.
Well I bought The 11th Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver from Amazon. I got this crazy idea to...well... turn things on and off. Regretfully, there is NOT very much room inside my Sonic so I cannot put a ton of awesome stuff inside. I've seen this done with the 10th version of it, but the 11th was extremely different.
"Get to the point man!!!"
OK OK... The TV-B-Gone! It turns ON and OFF 250 different brands of TVs. Here is what it is supposed to look like...¤t=tv-b-gone.jpg
I dont have enough room to put all of the component inside so Im only going to use 1 IR LED. Um... if you have to time, just check this page out.
It gives complete detail of what I'm doing. If you dont have time, here are a few more images to give you an idea.
This is the board with the parts I "shouldnt" need. Still debating with the members on adafruit.¤t=tvbgone.jpg
This is how I "think" it should go together without the board. It's messy but there's no way around it¤t=TV-B-Gone_Sonic.jpg
The url image thing isnt working so I just copied and pasted the url.
Basically, I only have room for
1 IR LED, that "should" mean I only need
1 Transistor. In this case, the Transistor controls the current flow to the LED b/c the micro controller cant handle it on it's own.
As for the resistors, I think only
2 are needed.
Here are 2 more links for more info. (Schematic)
See the Capacitors? 100uf and 0.1uf? That's my problem (if what I drew is correct.) I dont know where they go. The schematic gives no detail whatsoever concerning the exact placement of the Capacitors.
The next best thing I could give you is this
Thank you VERY much!