Spartan 010
Jr Member
Ok, so in current speech of my lightsaber project, I wanted to include a recharge port, but not exactly sure what I need for it, ordering parts from the custom saber shop. got a 2mm power jack, and a chargeable battery pack. what else do I need?
If you never want to take the batteries out again to change them, the easiest thing I could think of doing, is taking apart a Duracell (or another company's) battery charger, add an extension wire of some sort to the unit, and then plug it up to the lightsaber port. That's what would do. You'll probably get a better idea from thatdecade or someone else.
I have a question myself. I'm sure there is a simple solution but I just cant figure it out. I'm modding a Star Trek Phaser toy/prop (I honestly dont know why... I need a life,
Basically, I was wondering if anyone knew how to do this. I would assume some sort of aduino is needed but I was hoping there was a simpler solution. All I need is a chain of LEDs to turn on or off incrementally on whichever button I press. "This button turns on 1 extra LED with each press, this one turns 1 LED off each press" sort of deal.
Thanks to Andrew Lambright, I'm hooked on Solid State Lasers and such. I'm trying to figure out how to get a visible-without-particle-debris, laser beam to shoot out of it. I thought about using a 110mW laser diode I found on Ebay and using a focusing lens/ magnifying lens would do the trick. But that can wait! (Unless someone has an awesome idea)
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