I would like to ask for input on my plan for hardening my pieces.
1. One layer of resin outside with supports inside to maintain shape.
2. After that cures, a second layer of resin outside with the supports still inside. After curing is done, then I can remove the supports and work on the inside.
This is where I'm not sure where to go:
3. I was originally planning to put a layer of resin on the inside, but it seems like the better option would be to put a layer of rondo on the inside?
4. After the inner layer of either resin or rondo is done, use adhesive spray to attach fiberglass cloth for the flat areas and fiberglass mat for the sharp corners.
5. Once the fiberglass mat and cloth is settled in, do I cover with another layer of resin or another layer of rondo?
Thank you!
Also, if I go the rondo route, I heard using something a bit thinner would be good, so something like 3 parts bondo to 1 part resin? How do I measure that to make sure it's accurate? I heard people say to use golf-ball size amount for bondo, but how much many ounces of resin for each golf ball sized bondo?
Thanks again for helping me out!
1 and 2 are spot on. After you remove the supports, you can add a layer of resin on the inside, but it's not necessary. Rather than trying to stick the fiberglass down with spray adhesive, I brush down a small patch of resin, then lay a small rectangle (2" x 4") down into the wet resin, then dab it down into the resin with a brush, adding a little more resin if needed. You definitely want to add resin with fiberglass. Fiberglass is useless without it; it's the combination of fiberglass and resin that give the piece strength.
There is no real guide for measuring rondo. You simply add resin to the body filler until you have the right consistency. Body filler is just resin with a thickening agent added in; which is why the two are compatible.