I rondo'd my helmet two days ago. The inside of the helmet feels a little bit sticky to the touch, but it seems hard- and the helmet is still outgassing. I added both Resin and liquid hardener and the Bondo hardener cream to the Rondo. Is this some kind of slower curing process that normally takes place? Will the tackyness and the outgassing stop eventually, or did I do something wrong somehow? I'm keeping the helmet inside now (the outgassing isn't signficiant, but I sure don't want to stick my head into it yet!) and even keeping it near a heat source to see if that helps. I'd like to put a layer or two of fiberglass cloth in this weekend- do I have to wait for this outgassing/tackyness to stop, or do you think the Resin hardener from the fiberglassing process might help speed up this curing and stop the outgassing?