hexagon pattern (undersuit)

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That would work, not what we do, but you need more weight and a little more heat to get the pattern to stay under movement and the flexing of the under suit
Flexibility, breathability and "workability" are all key. Having just finished my undersuit and learned to sew in the process, I'm curious if this method can be worked with easily. Can it be sewn? If not, how are pieces put together?

The "hex" pattern I used for my undersuit was a honeycomb stencil I painted onto every piece of fabric. It can also be done with a screen print. See here:


  • 5QLxaNYl.jpg
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Our imprint method can be sewn, we are working on the breath ability now as we will be playing air soft in them once they are done.

We are toying with the idea of doing a water jacket cooling system and eventually mechanizing the suits to some degree.
Our imprint method can be sewn, we are working on the breath ability now as we will be playing air soft in them once they are done.

We are toying with the idea of doing a water jacket cooling system and eventually mechanizing the suits to some degree.

I'm really excited for the result. are there any examples you can show us how you managed it to sew them together? in my opinion its not possible and you get a better result with glue for foam.
my first idea for the undersuit was a thin black jumpsuit with patterns of 2cm foams (carved and cut in the right form) covered with black and green fabric and a mesh fabric. the result is ... okay... but if you managed it to create a muscle looking undersuit with THESE patterns.... that would be great
My biggest question after the ability to be sewn was how strong is it to stand up to wear after the seams more or less perforate the material?

This was where I went with my texture method. Also not hexagon, but meh...I settled. ^^;


  • WIP1-Bodysuit.jpg
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It will take a little while to get pictures of the under suit as we have a lot of actual job work coming up (unfortunately we can't work on these all the time during this time of year)

We also just got GTA 5 so yeah....
You definitely got a sub out of me... As I am just starting out, this will be a great thread to keep my eye on later down the road. Cant wait to see some end results.
okay, ive a very last question to you. is it possible to do it at home without any expensive machine? iam just asking myself if you bought a special machine oder something like that which costs more than 100$.
i hope not... because i have a heatgun, oven and some foam cutting machines, but not an embossing machine or something similar. :)

i really hope, that you only buy the foam, the hexagon patterns (like a metal plate) and use some kind of a heating method to imprint the texture ^^
The only thing we bought was the foam, the pattern is from materials we use at work everyday and we had heat guns laying around.
What kind of foam do you use? For me the flexibility and the material look more like rubber.
You are bee keeper? Suggestion: You let your bees build the hexagon pattern into the foam. ;)
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