Hey look, another ODST. (WIP) (Pic heavy)

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I like the build and odst rocks but why so many odst and less spartans
Great campaign, more human-like (Not a giant towering human/ Customizable.)
Probably the only campaign where your squad was actually being a 'squad'.
(No offence on Noble Team, but Kat's driving...)
Another good reason is that the ODST helmet is pretty simple to make. The Master Chief helmet and especially the reach ones can get very complicated to make, where-as the helmet, chest plate, and shoulders for the ODST are very simple shapes, and they don't need to be full suits of armor.
More updates!

First, the legs are done!

Sadly, I have a Halloween party to go to tomorrow, and I haven't had time to finish the gauntlets. I tried really hard today, but I didn't want to rush it and end up with crappy work, only to have to go back and fix them. So, I'm just not wearing gauntlets!

Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have at least one gauntlet. Enjoy!

I guess you are using Hugh's shin peps? If so, are the right/left shins identical or are the pepfiles flipped?


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Im a spartan builder but this looks great! i noticed sometimes Hell Jumpers have a hard time getting all the pieces to fit and line up nicely but everything here looks porportionate and nothing is "hanging off you" well done trooper!
Thanks spartan! It worked out well for me because Hugh's armor is scaled for a 6 foot person, and I'm right about that height, so I didn't need to worry too much about scale. I agree though, helljumpers have a lot of little pieces that can be a paint to get matched up.
Hia everybody! Sorry its been so long, but school has been a lot of work, and I haven't had a whole lot of free time to work on armor, but I wanted to give an update to prove I'm not dead.

So I mentioned a few weeks ago that I started working on gloves. Well, I finally settled on the base pattern, and now its just a matter of filling in the details.

I started to draft the details already, but it will be another few days until ifs finalized and I can assemble them. They won't be black either, I just made this with scrape material to test the pattern.

Also, I have been working on this for more than a year now, but the end is in sight. All I have left is a gauntlet to finish sanding, these gloves to finish, and possibly an undersuit to find. If I have some extra time, then a backpack, too. I will have my armor finished for Tekkoshocon in Pittsburgh on March 21-25. So if anyone lives in Pittsburgh or plans on going to Tekko, I'll see you there!


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Another small update!

I finally took the time to work with foam and produce the inner thighs.

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of working with foam. I admit it was fast, but it was a pain. And any hot glue that leaked onto the front left a permanent make, which really bothers me. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong.

As for the gloves. I reworked the base pattern just a bit, and started re-drafting the details. I just finished with the back of the hand, so I think I'm going to sew a test pair to see how it fits.


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Ah! A Triple post! Oh no!

Anyway, my trooper is almost done, just a few more days worth of work and I'll have the gauntlet painted. I haven't been able to do a whole lot of work because of college, but I'm off for spring break all next week, so I should be finished by the weekend.

In the mean time, I've been working on a smaller project for my helljumper:

A combat knife! Since I'm a CQC ODST, I figured it would be good to carry a knife with me. I didn't bother to post the pep stage of this, but there isn't much to see.

I do try to keep my stuff looking real-ish, but you guys my notice the blade isn't sharp, it just kinda drops down. That's because the "sharp" part of the blade is made of craft foam, and the body of the blade is made of matte board to give it stability. The handle is pepped, and it has a metal rod (from an erector set) that comes out so the blade can be attached. I can post progress picks if people wanna see.


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Not another post! What can I say, no one has responded.

Anyway, its done. The right gauntlet, last major piece of armor has been finished. I'm only going to post one picture of it right now, because it looks a lot like the left one.

Tomorrow I'll post pics in full armor, but this is all I'm showing right now. I am still going to try and make custom gloves, but I'm wearing my armor to a con this weekend and I just don't have time to finish them, so I'm going to by a pair of fingerless gloves for now.

I hope you guys like!


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The paint job looks like it was done really well, and I really like the red on the chest. I can't wait to see pics of the entire suit tomorrow :D

I am jealous that you are going to a con this weekend
Thank you! The paint turned out well in the end, but if you look, there are little cracks that are all over it (it may be hard to tell, idk). I used a few foam bits, then sealed it with plasti-dip, but the gray coat over top didn't bond right and it made a ton of little cracks. It really bothers me :/

I'm excited though, this is going to be my first major con, too! But I'm only going one day I think. On the bright side, Pittsburgh's Comicon is next month, so I'll be there, too.
Seriously Jimmy...... this is what you did to me.....


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You're too kind! But just wait till I post the full suit.

On a related note. I'm going to try and post it tonight, but I have an online class, and I have to do that first. If I have enough time, I'll do a photo shoot, if not, the pics will be up for sure tomorrow.
Sorry the pics took this long guys. I've been busy with school, and I saw an opera last night (I'm a theater major, don't judge!)

So, here is what you've all been waiting for, the completed armor:


This one turned out fuzzy, but it was the best front picture, and I didn't want to put it all back on tonight.

A good front pic, minus the helmet.

And a back picture.

Future plans
Now, I know I'm calling this finished, and you may be asking, "But Jimmy, what about that backpack and gloves you promised.?" Well, the gloves are still on the drawing board, I just don't have time to get to them by tomorrow. The backpack is on hold right now. It warped a bit during the hardening stage, and I don't know how I want to go about finishing it yet. Plus, I have a lot of other things to worry about now. I'm calling it finished because the backpack is supplementary, and the gloves are minor.

From here, the only other things I may add are small details, such as "UNSC" on a few places, and misc details. The gloves are my only big concern. Any updates will still be here, but do not expect anything.

Finally, I am going to a con this weekend. I will add some for pictures of the finished armor in action.

I hope you guys like. Thanks for following me!


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