Sorry the pics took this long guys. I've been busy with school, and I saw an opera last night (I'm a theater major, don't judge!)
So, here is what you've all been waiting for, the completed armor:
This one turned out fuzzy, but it was the best front picture, and I didn't want to put it all back on tonight.
A good front pic, minus the helmet.
And a back picture.
Future plans
Now, I know I'm calling this finished, and you may be asking, "But Jimmy, what about that backpack and gloves you promised.?" Well, the gloves are still on the drawing board, I just don't have time to get to them by tomorrow. The backpack is on hold right now. It warped a bit during the hardening stage, and I don't know how I want to go about finishing it yet. Plus, I have a lot of other things to worry about now. I'm calling it finished because the backpack is supplementary, and the gloves are minor.
From here, the only other things I may add are small details, such as "UNSC" on a few places, and misc details. The gloves are my only big concern. Any updates will still be here, but do not expect anything.
Finally, I am going to a con this weekend. I will add some for pictures of the finished armor in action.
I hope you guys like. Thanks for following me!