Hey look, another ODST. (WIP) (Pic heavy)

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The under coat is actually silver, its just the way my camera took the picture. I do see your point about the gloss though. I'll see if I can get a flat paint to spray it with. I sprayed it once with a flat clear coat, but it didn't seem to do anything, so I'll have to find something else.

I'm 18 now, and was 17 when I started.
ok for all of those ppl wondering how to get the battle damaged looking armor piece !st spray on a layer of chrome silver somthing that looks like metal then when that is dry spread on a VERY THIN Layer of Vaseline then let that dry. once that is dry spray on a layer or 2 of your desired color and let it dry for a few days then when its dry you can scrape off the colored layer to expose the silver thus the weathered beat up fresh out of war badass look that is sure to impress
The left or the right? Or both?

Edit: I should have a small update around 10ish.

Edit 2: And here's that update!

I've decided I want the backpack. So I started pepping it. (Actually, re-pepping, I started it once a while back, but I figured I start over)


There is no HD file, which is why I didn't complete my original pep. This is the same lower-def file I used before, which appears to be game-ripped. I say that because I have the game ripped files, Mwahahahaha! But anyway, there are some details I can do in the Bondo stage, and some that were easier to address now. The indent and the raised part at the bottom where cut and custom made be hand, and added right to it. The only detail I'm worried about is the four oval shapes, I haven't decide how to do that yet.

TL;DR, ODST backpack, custom details, stay tuned.


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don't bother buying flat paint, they have cans of spray flat in some stores, it'll take a few coats be4 you start to see a major difference, the only reason y i use flat is because it seals the paint layer up for weathering

was just wondering your age cuz u look a little small
hey jimmy i will send you the file for the back pack if you want it i can get it this weekend but i will say that building it will be confusing but you should be able to do as well as i did on it
Sorry Scar, I totally missed your post when you first made it, and I was almost finished by the time I saw it.

Pack Hunter- Not sure why I look small, I'm nearly 6 feet tall. It could be the fact that I'm extremely skinny.

Now, the update. I feel like I only have post once every couple of weeks, but thats what college does to you. Anyway, check out my finished backpack:

Its not too difficult to pep, and its in sections, so if a part is ruined you won't lose all that work. There are some extra faces on the model, which means I had to make a few extra cuts during before it could be assembled. But I am pleased with the way it turned out.

I am off all next week for Thanksgiving, so I think I'm going to push to finish the gauntlets. Hopefully I get at least one done, but I should finish both.


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Between college and a show I'm running (I'm a theater major), I haven't had much time to work on armor. However, I've taken the little time I have had and finally finished the rest of the comm unit.

Check it out:

There are lights on it in game, so I'm thinking of putting some LEDs in it when I have time. I haven't completely stopped the other stuff though. I have been hand sanding the gauntlets and I stared to resin the backpack. I need to pick some more up, but hopefully I have more updates soon.


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Thanks guys! Im working at my theater right now, but when I get off for Christmas break, I'm gonna do the gauntlets. So there may not be any updates until after the 18th.
This is probably one of the best ODST builds I've seen. I couldn't imagine what would happen if you made molds of what you have made. Sean Bradley would have some stiff competition.

P.S. If you see this Sean, I don't mean this is anyway bad towards you.
Thanks, I'm glad! I have thought of doing molds, but they can get expensive. Although, I would get some money back by selling them I suppose. Its a little too late to make molds now, I really don't want to mess up the paint, I have it just the way I like it!

However, Sean has the most amazing ODST gloves I've ever seen. Ever. Sean's gloves = do want. I could make them if I really tried, I really haven't had a lot of time lately. Theater is very time consuming :(
Actually, I had part of my build in my portfolio, including the chest core and the helmet, and I seriously think it helped get me into my school. So the 405th has helped me in my personal life!
Actually, I had part of my build in my portfolio, including the chest core and the helmet, and I seriously think it helped get me into my school. So the 405th has helped me in my personal life!

Yeah, me too. All the different products needed to make the armor has given me a lot of insight into the evil engineering topic of Material strength. Resin + Fiberglass = new wing design on aircraft (in this case a new piece of armor)
Thanks, I'm glad! I have thought of doing molds, but they can get expensive. Although, I would get some money back by selling them I suppose. Its a little too late to make molds now, I really don't want to mess up the paint, I have it just the way I like it!

However, Sean has the most amazing ODST gloves I've ever seen. Ever. Sean's gloves = do want. I could make them if I really tried, I really haven't had a lot of time lately. Theater is very time consuming :(

Nice job on the helmet it looks great and so does the rest of the armor you've completed so far, also if you really want to mold your helmet the silicone shouldn't harm your paintjob, keep up the great job
You have really out done yourself here Jimmy... the weathering looks right out of the game.
What is your method on weathering?
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