Hmm, Maby a new leak on the H3 story?

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I think the forerunners are actually the humans, but they just had to start over, and only the covenent know of them. The evidence is that 343 guilt spark or whatever refer to master chief's suit as a less recent version of the quarantine plan, which means humans are the forerunners, and that they just havent gotten to their technology level yet.....

I think the things look alike because once the ark is set off, then the things that look like the ark on halo will open, and it will be set off like that..... Besides, we dont even know what a halo blowing up looks like???
*sigh*... so much to be discussed about Halo's storyline. And I have so many theories, I can't even keap track of them all. Like, why did 343 say that he/it/whatever, saw Master Chief before? "The last time I saw you, you asked me if, it was up to me, would I do it?" Referring to activating the Halos (Not exact quote, I'm sure). Did/will Master Chief go back in time, perhaps using one of the shards from that wierd space-altering crystal in Onyx? Because Space and Time are so closely intertwined. *Sigh*... my brain hurts...
Wow, good one!

What he went back in time and the game went back in time with graphics and then jumped forward in time later in the game and in the graphics.

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