- Generally, I agree with a lot of people in that I believe it would aid us to have multiple reference images of armours such as close-ups, profile, straight and behind shots.
It will assist in 3D modelling of said parts where, otherwise, and I'm sure legally, the organisation would not be allowed to present copyright models to the general public.
- In saying that, I do have some criticism in which I believe would be both beneficial to cosplayers and to the employees of 343. Hexagons/The undersuit being too intricate.
Previous Halo titles have fans design some wicked undersuits that match the game nearly identically. Once Halo 4 and 5 came around, not a single person that is part of this community (Besides some companies such as BlueRealm) has been able to replicate that design as the cosplay community doesn't have an infinite budget to afford urethane rubber to cast every component of the tech suit.
It's not that I'm asking for you to make it less appealing. Just please take into consideration when designing new armours or undersuits, if whether the fans would be able to replicate it.
I would even appreciate it if normal BDU's were worn underneath troopers such as the ODST as seen in Halo Reach instead of constantly making it appear as if they are wearing a rubber glove like in halo 3.
Yeah, that might be a self-serving statement. But I'm pretty sure 80% of the community here has made ODST suits, even though they were last featured 8 years ago (With the exception of the helljumper helmet from 2015)
ODST's were a unique and more realistic design in that the vest were made of seperate components and that we knew that all of the ODST's essentially looked the same where we could do our own paint jobs and personal attachments so that our members project themselves into those soldiers. I'd like ODSTs (armor and all) to return in some form, even if it's just spartan IV's who wear the plates over their existing armour or small groups who didn't cut it for the spartan program or wouldn't (Like how buck initially thought in the book)
As previously mentioned, similar to the Doom Eternal paint guide, use colour palettes already in existence rather than making very difficult colours to reproduce and match paints. It will help continuity among other cosplayers.