How can 343 help?

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Absolutely fantastic Unyshek and everyone who helped compile the Rookie database file!!! Thank you for asking us what we wanted and listening to us and coming out with such an amazing packet of information!! You guys are truly what we all in the gaming industry and cosplay community wish to have!
Thanks for all the ideas and feedback on this thread everyone. As a direct result of your input, we've launched our first official Halo cosplay guide on Waypoint!

You can read the full blog on Waypoint and grab the guide using the links below:

I've also created a thread on the Waypoint forums that can act as a "landing page" with links to future guides when we're able to make them:

Thank you all so much, and I hope you enjoy!
I can only imagine how many of hundreds of hours producing something like this took. From a cosplay nerd to the team behind this project, thank you so much for contributing so much time and effort into this gift to the die-hard fans. This doc pack has inspired so many people back into building ODSTs!
If I may add a humble suggestion.
I've been a part of this group for about 2 or so years now, in this time I've seen many absolutely incredible people make a name for themselves from this but also people who have been silently behind the scenes working to bring us the materials we need to cosplay. If anything, anything at all I would love to give some of those people some "official" recognition. Maybe some form of a recognition system and 405th members could anonymously vote for people who they believe have been extremely helpful to the community as a whole. Maybe recieving the designation of "Spartan" and their deployment number officially in a game (maybe, just maybe. I know that's a long shot). I know being featured on spotlight gave me an insane amount of motivation to keep pursuing more and more Halo costumes and I think it would do well for others too.
As per armor things:
I'd like to get a bit more in depth on "how things work." After researching, designing, and making a "functional" ODST VISR system I'd love to see more about the fun details of Spartan armor. Where things may be there just to look cool or serve an actual purpose. Cramming a whole arduino, breadboard, and wiring into a helmet certainly wasn't too but oh man does it look cool afterwards.
Thanks for listening to us :D
We do love your concept art so. Reference material, especially for games as they are coming out (see Infinite), so that we can pre-plan for when conventions are back and help hype your game products with real life builds of items that have been shown off in the trailers (Chief's new suit, weapons, etc.).

Personal note, I'd love to know more about the food in world, I would assume interplanetary travel has its culinary benefits, any plans for a Halo cookbook? I know there is a faction of us on here that would love to help with that if there is any interest.
Thank you for reaching out and making this happen unyshek! The team did such an amazing job and I cant wait to see the inspiration that comes from it! This was an unbelievable achievement and I am excited to see what the future holds!
Actually had an idea. I’ve heard several from this actually think about a dare cosplay? Just putting it out there. Other communities like podtacular, Sacred Icon Halo, even Halopedia are getting excited and are interested in other characters.
Hey everyone – we released Rookie’s cosplay guide just over a month ago and I wanted to circle back to see if you all had any feedback on it. It was our first official cosplay guide, so I’m really hoping we can learn and improve from it!

A few questions I wanted to ask to get the conversation started:
  • Were there any details missing?
  • Were there any areas that felt unneeded?
  • How did you feel about the organization of it all?
  • Any other thoughts on how we could improve?
Thanks for checking in on us Unyshek

Overall the guide blew me away with exact pantone colours and material descriptions. The flavour text for some of the notes on exploded sections were extremely useful (and funny). I really like the sections that isolate parts of the armour and dive into extreme detail of how it moves and works (I learned that the shoulder plates are articulated and have a hinge).

From a possible improvements area maybe as well as the index at the front add bookmarks to the PDF so that people can bounce to a desired section for quick reference. Also possibly a third version of the guide that falls between the Mobile and Full versions that's the majority of the content but slightly lower resolution and optimized for mobile to save on load times (it's beautiful but it's a chunky file).

Overall the guide is extremely well laid out and organized well. I'm not sure if the inclusion of weapons will work as well in future guides since the ODSTs have a very specific loadout but with SPARTANs and Marines there's a bit more variety. Possibly separate guides for props/weapons and guides for armour moving forward except in special situations (like Linda and Nornfang) to help keep things concise and a bit more easy for the team behind these to manage?

Sorry for the wall of text, I really love the guide and am extremely grateful that 343 put so much effort into this first one!

Also if we can make suggestions on the next characters can we have a Chips Dubbo or Sgt Avery Johnson guide for the Halo 3 Marines?
Hey everyone – we released Rookie’s cosplay guide just over a month ago and I wanted to circle back to see if you all had any feedback on it. It was our first official cosplay guide, so I’m really hoping we can learn and improve from it!

A few questions I wanted to ask to get the conversation started:
  • Were there any details missing?
  • Were there any areas that felt unneeded?
  • How did you feel about the organization of it all?
  • Any other thoughts on how we could improve?

Wanted to say thank you and your team for your hard work with this.
  • Were there any details missing?
Details missing? None that I can tell. It was well laid out guide with plenty of detailed pictures. The color swatches are a nice touch if someone was going for 100% accuracy.

If I were to have a wish, I would like to see a link to a model kind of like how Sketchfab does it. To have the ability to zoom into a model would be nice.
  • Any other thoughts on how we could improve?
Would love to know what/if there were any real life items that inspired the beautiful models you created (i.e. What was behind the design for the shoulder clasps that hold up the chest plate? or the inspiration for the belt?)

Final note: I need to update my models.

Thanks again!
One of my personal projects is creating an in-visor HUD for Halo Cosplay. One of the difficult parts of this is acquiring the HUD elements themselves. I'm no graphics artist, so what I have to do is try to get screenshots where I can manually cut-paste the elements out of and hope it looks alright. If I had simple .png's (needs transparency support) or animations of the hud elements for the different games, that'd be really helpful. I was able to demo a crude version of this to I believe you and Sarah at HOD Chicago.
View attachment 280111
That's so next level, I never would have thought of that! :love:

Also, the ODST Rookie guide from 343 is super helpful! I didn't even know that existed.
Thank you for posting that! :)
Sorry for the slight delay on sharing it directly here, it's been a busy couple of days! :lol:

Mark VII [GEN 3] - June 2021 Update
To keep the Halo hype rolling this week, we just shared our second cosplay guide on Waypoint! The great reception and constructive feedback on the first ODST guide made this one an absolute blast to do. Just like before, you can find the blog on Waypoint and save a copy of the guide using the links below!


As always, please let me know if you have any feedback on the guide! We're always looking to improve :)
Last edited:
Sorry for the slight delay on sharing it directly here, it's been a busy couple of days! :lol:

Mark VII [GEN 3] - June 2021 Update
To keep the Halo hype rolling this week, we just shared our second cosplay guide on Waypoint! The great reception and constructive feedback on the first ODST guide made this one an absolute blast to do. Just like before, you can find the blog on Waypoint and save a copy of the guide using the links below!

View attachment 306994

As always, please let me know if you have any feedback on the guide! We're always looking to improve :)
This alone has me more hyped for infinite then anything else I've seen, and I was pretty hyped. Thank you guys so much! I hope other game developers take a queue from you guys :)

Truly, awesome work.
I'm not sure of the logistics of it (I assume that there might be a legal thing that needs looking at), but having a link to the forums here and making reference to all of the tutorial and model stuff that we have here. It could be a nice nod to the work that everyone does here and provide a place for new cosplayers to ask experts for help with their cosplay in a location that is more specialised than the waypoint forums. I assume that there is (or was for the ODST guide) an increase in the number of new cosplayers who want tips and help who might not know the amazing wealth of resources that we have here.
Hey everyone! We at 343 Industries were curious to hear what you think we could be doing better to support the cosplay community?

We’ve been tossing around the idea of releasing closer looks at in-game armors (and weapons) via reference screenshots and 3D turnarounds, but we’d love to hear any and all additional suggestions you may have for us. Feel free to be as broad or as granular as you like with your suggestions!

Obviously there will always be some requests we can’t fulfill and some that will take time, but we’re looking to make a stronger effort here and will do our best :)


The Rookie - September 2020 Update
Thanks for all the ideas and feedback on this thread everyone. As a direct result of your input, we've launched our first official Halo cosplay guide on Waypoint!

You can read the full blog on Waypoint and grab the guide using the links below:

View attachment 306992

Mark VII [GEN 3] - June 2021 Update
To keep the Halo hype rolling, we just shared our second cosplay guide on Waypoint! The great reception and constructive feedback on the first ODST guide made this one an absolute blast to do. Just like before, you can find the blog on Waypoint and save a copy of the guide using the links below!

View attachment 306993

I've also created a thread on the Waypoint forums that can act as a "landing page" with links to future guides when we're able to make them:

Thank you all so much, and I hope you enjoy!
a cosplay guide to the arby, all different arby's in one pdf on how to make him, along with it you could release a low and high poly model for each version of him.
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