How did you find us?

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I've been to a few conventions and always hear about either the 501st or the 405th.
I thought there looked to be a bit more variety here so I'm giving it a shot.
I was watching a backyard effects show at '' and they had skullcandygirl on the show, giving a basic demonstration on how to make the pepakura style halo armor. during the video she gave a link to the most awesome site known to man as ''. i've known about this site for 2 years but I only just recently signed up
I had heard about this website once before, but never paid much attention. However, one day, while bored and searching art on I stumbled across a member and her Costume. Her costume inspired me to visit this page and finally start work on the costume I wanted to build
i found walter one of the admins here on you tube a while back and thought this stuff was awsome and began on my prop making quest back this summer
I found a picture of some serious looking Mjolnir armor on around Halloween and under the comments a few questions were thrown around about how they made it/ where they got it. Finally some people posted a link to the Backyard FX video on youtube and also posted a link to the 405th. Needless to say it peaked my interest and I'm planning my first project out now. I should be starting around Christmas.
I was on the Halo wiki, and eventually came across the costume/armor page. I Googled Pepakura, and the 405th is one of the first results. The rest is history.......
I was watching some cut scene replays on YouTube and one of the related videos was somebody's Emile helmet build, and in the video they thanked so I figured I'd come check it out.
I came across some of Sean Bradley's work over at the RPF and someone motioned the 405th. I lurked for about a year before signing up.

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I found the site while looking for info about the 'real life Warthog' and came across that awesome looking Recon helmet.

I have lurked long enough!
Well after seeing some of the outfits from the comic con in San Diago a couple years back I was inspired, but didn't think to much about it till Forward unto Dawn was being made so I looked up Halo costumes on YouTube and some of the stuff was just amazing.
Way back in 2008 I was wanting to build a Samus Aran helmet I seen on, and when searching I ended up seeing a Master Chief Pepakura build from a 405th member on that site, and wanted that instead. I then created a profile on the 405th, but did nothing but kinda lurk around looking at all the awesome stuff and learning how to build it. After losing access to the account due to inactivity, I made this one when I decided I was ready to start building. :p
I suppose its almost been 10 years now, after Halo CE came out, some of my old school friends where saying someone made a cheif suit, so myself and my brothers set out to find it and see about purchasing one... well after a few days of searching we stumbled upon the 405th and have since been Lurking and enjoying the pictures of some very amazing suits... and finally contemplating the one I'll build...

I came across Thorrsoli's builds, and was hooked ever since, almost done with the complete pepping of my armor!
My Dad's a huge halo fan (along with myself) and he mentioned the armor was really cool looking, so I decided to look to get him a helmet for the garage or something. I started looking up the armor, and alot of the items I found lead me here (images, guides, etc..). so since I like building models I decided to try my hand at pepakura. I joined because, as the helmet is taking shape, I figure I will need more information on the processes outside my skill set - resining, fiberglassing etc. so I joined.
On Nov 1st I had the idea to be Masterchief for halloween next year, and I googled "build halo armor", and found the link to here. I have done pep before for small models, so while the scale of this is much bigger, the idea is the same. I became hooked. I've read the noob threads, read spitfire's and cereal killer's build threads, read the threads on pepakura for aditional tips, the fiberglass/bondo/rondo threads, and I understand everything I have seen so far. I have downloaded the pep pack and started a mk VI helmet. Unfortunately, I dont have a heated well ventilated work area, so will only be doing lots of Pepping during the winter months.
I was watching the San Diego ComicCon panel coverage and noticed that they had some epic spartans in the Q&A from something called the 405th. So I checked you guys out, joined, and am now in the planning phase of armor construction.
I think it was an instructable like 4 years ago. I bookmarked a bunch of stuff, and other hobbies got in the way. Now I am back!
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