How did you find us?

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I went to two conventions am met some members and they gave me some tips on armor making and told me I should sign up and check it out and I thought it was interesting so here I am
Heya! Name's Kat and I'm a costumer from the Mandalorian Mercs! I was brought into the 405th after researching about different costumes that I was thinking of making. The Halo costume has struck out to me because of the armored tank look and the non showy side of cosplay. (I'm not a fan of showing off my skin). I also love playing Halo and being in armor (in the mercs) was a lot of fun, but I would love to branch out. I also ran into the Pacific Regiment booth at WonderCon this last year and I loved the various weapons on display.
I'd always been interested in building halo armor and even found a few tutorials online but I attended a Dragoncon panel about halo costuming and the people doing the panel were active members.
Welp, for me, it started out as a loooong chain. I began by looking for computer building tutorials and computer tips because I had just bought a bunch of parts for assembly. There was one YouTube channel (of which I have forgot the name) that had these. And as I was scrolling through his videos, I stumbled upon one mentioning Pepakura. I watched that video and got interested. I started searching through all of the Internets for Pep sources to quench my thirst for cosplay. I eventually came across this website, to which I very happy I did. :cool
Actually I found this forum some years ago, looking for help to make a Master Chief armor. Few days ago, looking for images of ODST armor I found it again... And here I am.
Ever since my first run in Combat Evolved, I wanted Spartan armor.
After seeing a few Spartans at Fan Expos over the past couple years, I decided it was time to try and craft my own.
I googled.
I found the 405th.
I found the site while searching for ideas for my pep builds. I joined back then, but only recently became actively involved when it became time to actually start working on my halo build. So, short answer is: google!
Instructables for Halo Armour and then Google back in October. Stayed in the background reading like crazy before joining about a month later.

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I came across this when watching a few youtube videos and heard the name mentioned a few times so I'd figured I would give you guys a look as I am planning to make Cortana's upgrade from the new halo 5 and eventually a set of Mjolnir Spartan Armour for the Chief (not sure how that will work as I'm a really petit female but we'll see). Turns out I am not disappointed and will be active on here for the months and hopefully years to come.
by now I've seen multiple halo costumes, but when I first saw them I thought that it would be awesome to be able to do something like that, and started looking at tutorials, where I first saw about the 405th. To be honest, when I first looked into pepakura it seemed like it was hard as heck. I also knew of the rep with the 501st and when I saw the 405th at first, I thought it was kinda the same, but when I looked into it more, I found how the community here is, and I am.
Through Google I think. I THINK.
I'm not sure. I've seen many photos of 405th members, but I thought these were just people cosplaying. I've even seen photos on the Halo Waypoint...
Only when I've finally wanted to do my costume, I've started to research and well, 405th is like the first Google found, so I gotten here... and registered.
i think it was a thing between found you while doing research and been brought here by fellow costumers as I wanted to start on my Armor.
I wasn't very active since I registered but I try to change.

I think everyone who does the slightest research on Halo / Armor costuming / Building will find out about 405th sooner or later^^
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i think it was a thing between found you while doing research and been brought here by fellow costumers as I wanted to start on my Armor.
I wasn't very active since I registered but I try to change.

I think everyone who does the slightest research on Halo / Armor costuming / Building will find out about 405th sooner or later^^
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