How do I get started?


New Member
Hey everyone,
I just joined. Im very interested in getting my own Halo cosplay. However I am not confident in my own crafting abilities. Is there a way to buy a fully completed commision cosplay? Im not at the point where I can start this process yet. In the meantime though. Is it possible to potentially get a helmet? Or guns? And from where? Im just in the research phase right now. And I would appreciate any advice or links or anything to help me in my research!
Hey everyone,
I just joined. Im very interested in getting my own Halo cosplay. However I am not confident in my own crafting abilities. Is there a way to buy a fully completed commision cosplay? Im not at the point where I can start this process yet. In the meantime though. Is it possible to potentially get a helmet? Or guns? And from where? Im just in the research phase right now. And I would appreciate any advice or links or anything to help me in my research!
The past few year i was in the same boat as you, but after building my first armor set with EVA foam ive found its actually nowhere near as hard or intimidating as I thought it was.
To be honest with you, buying or commissioning props and armor will vary depending on what you want for detail and quality, but it usually tends to be a bit expensive. But if you are dead set on purchasing stuff, Ebay has some good stuff on occasion. the other option is Halloween props. Xcoser makes a small but decent ODST helmet, and disguise has been making decent armors and helmets for a long time.

Etsy is where the good quality stuff is. Branfhur studios for example makes raw resin cast helmets and visors. They do take some work to finish but the MK 5 helmet i got from him is my favorite of all the helmets i have. I couldn't say for sure off hand who does commissions but if your looking for something custom, we do have a few members that do that. But again, it usually costs a pretty penny to get.

Circling back, i stronglyu urge you to take a look at some of the tutorials, like i said it really isnt as hard as you'd think. and you wont get better unless you practice. Walmart and some hardware stores carry cheap EVA foam floor mats, a very good place to start. if the funds are available, try the nicer EVA foam from amazon or hobby lobby. It has less air bubbles and dulls your cutting blades way slower than with the floor mats.

Below is a link to an excellent tutorial made in the past few months

Hope this helps and i wish you good luck. Welcome to the 405th.
However I am not confident in my own crafting abilities
I was in the same boat a few weeks ago.

At first, I wanted to buy an armor then I decided to do an ODST armor since it looked easier than a Spartan one.
My buddy in the 405th guided me through the forum to some Tutorial // foam ready files.

I won't lie, there is a learning curve, but it doesn't take long to understand the ins and outs.

This post: HaloGoddess' "How To Scale" and More Tutorial
Helped me, a lot, with the ArmorSmith program.

As a newbie, here's my advice:
-Do not start with the HELMET, I wanted to and my buddy told me I should get easier stuff done first like the plate carrier/chest armour/belt, It helped me get a hang of the 25 / 45 degrees cuts.

-Accept failure, as of this post, I'm doing my Shoulder pieces, and One of them was a total failure(Cuts were not straight enough, Didn't use the good foam thickness), Don't get disappointed, everyone here probably fucked up some of their pieces haha.

-And finally, Have fun!

I know My points mirror Spartan4204's, but I wanted to give my newbie POV.
As someone who wanted to begin this journey for a long time. Its a tough call.

However, you can't be afraid of failure cause to fail is to learn how to succeed.
I decided to do a 3D printed suit cause I am really bad at foam. I have made a ton of mistakes, wasted filament, time, etc. It's been a learning curve.
I take it with a grain of salt though since I am just beginning my journey. It's ok if it looks hard or daunting. That's the part to be excited for; once you take on that task and finish it. You will feel 100x better!

Here is some help on how to decide things:
  1. If you want to buy or make a suit, prop, etc.
  2. If you are buying these are the questions I would ask:
    1. Does it fit your price range
    2. Can they do custom fitting
    3. Do they only do kits or paint as well
    4. How long will the process take
    5. Will your helmet / suit be electronic / visor removable
  3. If you are making these are the questions I would ask:
    1. Will it be made of foam or 3D print
    2. What will initial upfront cost be like
    3. What is your time frame to work on it so you don't burn yourself out
    4. Do you have access to a place that's open ventilation for painting, and other craft things

I would agree with DireRaven though, helmet should be the last step and don't forget to have fun!
At the end of the day its something that you look forward to and gives you joy! Hope this helps as a newbie whose on their way too!
I think you should try your hand at making it yourself. Start simple with something at the bottom of the suit, less in your face if something turns out a bit wonky. I have learned that, in the case of foam, every piece you make will be a bit better than the last. The materials are inexpensive, and fairly easy to work with. My son started making things out of foam when he was 9. Remember that you will be your toughest critic, and will see things that nobody else would. Remember the 5 foot rule, most people will be looking at it from at least 5 feet away. Don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Some good advice from the previous posters (start with easier/simpler pieces, 5 foot rule, have fun), I would just add try and find a project buddy; someone that has some experience making cosplays, is willing to help and encourage you. It's a great boost when you make something you feel so-so on and the project buddy likes what you did.
Hey everyone,
I just joined. Im very interested in getting my own Halo cosplay. However I am not confident in my own crafting abilities. Is there a way to buy a fully completed commision cosplay? Im not at the point where I can start this process yet. In the meantime though. Is it possible to potentially get a helmet? Or guns? And from where? Im just in the research phase right now. And I would appreciate any advice or links or anything to help me in my research!
Not sure about full suits as for copyright laws and people selling them. However buying helmets and prop weapons is a bit easier especially on Etsy. There are a few people here who also sell props im sure you can get a hold of them. I cant remember who exactly, but i can try and find out!

For armour id start with a program called Armorsmith, its an awesome tool to scale armour to your specific size and is very detailed. Theres a bit of a learning curve but once you have it down its really simple.

There are many many different files for armor on this sight made by awesome creators to implement into armorsmith, either papercraft or foamcraft. After that its just cutting, and gluing. If you use foam always use sharp blades to get clean lines.

Id also recommend the discord, theres A LOT of super helpful people who've been through this countless times and would be happy to help new comers.

Is there a certain suit from a certain game/book/movie/show youre looking to do?
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