How do i install a fan in my head?

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Spartan-K22 reporting in,sir...

to clownpuncher: read this it will help (click the URL below)

to Rocknrollcows: you want to make the fans small enough to fit into the brain bucket (helmet lol)

follow the same URL above, it will give you a good idea!


Jarhead said:
Also where do you put it in the helmet?

well im gonna try to fit mine in the part that sticks out that around the mouth...
as seen below...weeeeeee---------------

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modrey said:
Great place to get fans / LEDs / lazer tag kits / actuators / vibration motors /
mini LCD screens (don't ask) and other neat / odd / killer stuff (and one that
I've realized many people don't know about):

Right now 40mm fans are 3 bucks there, and they have nylon fans without
enclosures for (with the cost of the micro motor) about 2 bucks. The nylon
fans are .86 of an inch - I think you could fit it inside of just about anything.

On a side note...
The vibration motors are a killer effect in some props, as are some of the
cheap as dirt actuators.

thats a very nice find there

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clownpuncher said:
well im gonna try to fit mine in the part that sticks out that around the mouth...
as seen below...weeeeeee---------------


I nested mine in the chin guard there at the front and gave it a discreet rocker switch on the underside :). It'll blow nice cool air in your face and keep the visor from fogging up (which was my primary issue).
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clownpuncher said:
thats a very nice find there


You're welcome clownpuncher- it's server me well over the years for prop
effects. Plus since they get new items all the time, it makes it incredibly
easy to 'wait out' for new items. They do occasionally get 26mm fans- but
people like me buy them out quickly ;-)
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modrey said:
You're welcome clownpuncher- it's server me well over the years for prop
effects. Plus since they get new items all the time, it makes it incredibly
easy to 'wait out' for new items. They do occasionally get 26mm fans- but
people like me buy them out quickly ;-)
That wire glue they have sounds quite interesting, going to nave to get a jar :)
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Jarhead said:
That wire glue they have sounds quite interesting, going to nave to get a jar :)

Just be careful with it- it will carry enough power to power LED's, just- be careful
with much higher voltage though.. While it's neat to use to have 'invisible wires' to
some of the LED's, make sure you test it for 2-4 hours solid in a supervised type
environment to ensure that it won't cause an odd reaction to your suit / project /
etc and combust into flames or smoldering ruin.

There is an artist that makes transparent tables with LED's scattered throughout
without any wires visible- I am 90% certain this is what he uses effectively. I've
debated doing a DIY tutorial on it.
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Spartan-K22 reporting in, sir. I am going to come clean...

I have not made a helmet yet. (yeah, i know)
but my mom and my dad wont let me b'cuz they hate halo.
and i cont do anything while they are working or busy, my dad wont
even bother... =(

BUT, i am gonna break the rules and go over to Durlaburban's house (he is a member
on this forums and a friend in real-life) so...GO ME!!!
i recommend you buy 2 fans and place them by the chine or place both by the cheeks (make
sure you have the fans blowing diagonally down, for MAXIMUM EFFECT!!!)

modrey said:
Just be careful with it- it will carry enough power to power LED's, just- be careful
with much higher voltage though.. While it's neat to use to have 'invisible wires' to
some of the LED's, make sure you test it for 2-4 hours solid in a supervised type
environment to ensure that it won't cause an odd reaction to your suit / project /
etc and combust into flames or smoldering ruin.

There is an artist that makes transparent tables with LED's scattered throughout
without any wires visible- I am 90% certain this is what he uses effectively. I've
debated doing a DIY tutorial on it.
I'm going to be powering a small fan out of a dead 12in ibook so it won't be drawing that much current
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