holy schnike...
that looks awesome.
though i'm curious, looking at it i see around the neck area (not the actual collar thats obvious enough) that it looks like you used foam? is that so?
also, how did you go about fastening the core at the bottom, shoulders are simple enough, but you've got the points so well disuised its making my original ideas seem like i'm an idiot to even think of doing such things.
guess i should just overal ask it as i'm sure others are thinking it. To boot i'm gonna sound like a fool if i keep going so here it is.
how in all did you go about putting it together in finale?
another tutorial perhaps?
oh and one other thing, what base color did you use for the armor? i found Light gun metal matched near perfect with my Rookie and Buck figures, but not so much for the H3 one which was more of a reg gun metal color...
cause you got such a damned awesome thing going there i just wanna be a total fool and strive to be as similar as i can! (you can hit me now, i probably deserve it)
i really need to get my tail in gear, but this low temp weather has me cut off from resin work and i've been building a Clone Commando helmet lately instead
(had to jump it.. just had too)
but have my core and such done and cannot wait to get the rest going now! but must go slow.. must take time and do right.. don't want another fiasco like my rookie helmet.. heh its a 1/4 inch thick bondo on the outside.. hard as a rock though, but got WAY carried away with the bondo... looks like a cheap clay thing made in middle school art class.. but many many lessons learned. i should prob get a photobucket account huh?
i don't think you missed anything, the design was for a much slimmer person, i'm going to have the same issue in mine till i drop a couple inches around the waist, so i'm just going for an adjustable strap there (as i see you have)
the two plates there should hide that gap anyways, so its hardly worth fretting over.