Melissa Hogan
New Member
Great work, Hugh.
To build? For personal use? If your answer is yes, then the answer is YES!Do you mind if i use some of your stuff? i wont sell them. just like your stuff and was wondering if i could?
Do you mind if i use some of your stuff? i wont sell them. just like your stuff and was wondering if i could?
Hey there everyone, I got myself a Hugh ODST helmet raw cast a week back, and I must say I am very impressed with the quality! Very nice build indeed! I finished it up, and I was surprised that the helmet fits, but it does and I am very pleased with it.
It is a very nice helmet! Well done Hugh!
holy schnike...
that looks awesome.
though i'm curious, looking at it i see around the neck area (not the actual collar thats obvious enough) that it looks like you used foam? is that so?
also, how did you go about fastening the core at the bottom
how in all did you go about putting it together in finale?
another tutorial perhaps?
oh and one other thing, what base color did you use for the armor?
Thanks broskis!
Edit: For the sniper goggle attachment, for it to fit properly, it has to be the same scale as the helmet, correct?
Do you mind if i use some of your stuff? i wont sell them. just like your stuff and was wondering if i could?
Hey there everyone, I got myself a Hugh ODST helmet raw cast a week back, and I must say I am very impressed with the quality! Very nice build indeed! I finished it up, and I was surprised that the helmet fits, but it does and I am very pleased with it.
It is a very nice helmet! Well done Hugh!
in other words i nailed the colori use the Tamiya paints myself, and the gun metals have been in my selection for awhile now
(my first ODST helmet build i made light GM, and reg GM i used on a custom statue i bought and broke the gun on... :/ damned tiny pieces are very fragile.. did not like the move well, so some glue and paint touch ups were a must!)
thanks for the info! i gotta get plugging away... if the weather would break though that'd help
though i think you misunderstood the neck part question, i was refering to the space below the guard/collar area. in the images it looks like you made something extra there in between the shoulder strap area down onto/above the chest.
Or is that all pep/paint and i'm just seeing a trick of light?
most noticible here above the chest plate but below the neck.
or am i misunderstanding and just not looking right for the pep for this? :/
and can't wait to see the legs.
Hi Hugh.
Your armor and helmet looks perfectly well. Good work, praiseworthy.)))
Question. What is RONDO? It is stronger than fiberglassresin?
RONDO is actually a mixture of fiberglass Resin, and bONDO (or any type of automotive body filler), bondo is just a brand of both. You can see a very good tutorial video by benstreeper here: . He does a very good job describing how to mix the two together.