New Member
wait this was maid for 5'9"s!!! man! i"m 6'1"!! i'm going to need size up a bit
I am Jealous I so want to do this, stupid having to pay rent, etclol
But seriously fantastic work and it looks great.
so the armour is scale to how tall of a person?
hey,i'm trying to build a halo makvi foam armor
but i found it extremely difficult to do it cuz i don't have any pattern
ís thẻre anyways easier?or can u give me some?i've just finished arms
Hey hugh, just wanted to check up on you since you havent replied in a while and halloween is fast approaching.
i also have a question on your thigh files, did you add "the plating" to the thigh as one or did you keep that separate
as to have more room? (sorry im at school so i cant show you exactly what i mean)
If you're referring to the soft armor on the inner thigh, those are built into the model as individual "scales", and not a connected part of the model itself. I hope that answers your question, as I know Hugh is a busy man.
i know they're separate but i what i ment was if he made them one piece with the thigh armor or if he left the thigh and the scales as two separate pieces
sorry for the misunderstanding
Hey Hugh! First of all, your files are the best!!! Secondly, I'm thinking of putting expanding foam in the backs of the files, to make them a bit more stable before fibreglassing, to stop warping.. Should I or shouldnt I?