I Need Help

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Im kind of disappointed in the lack of creativity that is showing up. People are constantly asking for tuts and step by steps and asking questions that have been answered a million times, and they didn't even bother to search! *sigh* this isn't directed at you broccoli, im just saying it.
when i started i just found a vid on youtube printed out the pep and started trying diffrent things, first was match 1 with 2 and 3 with 4. didnt look like a firebomb, then my friend on his did 1 with 1 and so forth kinda looked better. then we started scoreing and folding. helped a lot. and once it came to the HD models we just did the same and if the numbers where overlapping looked on pepakura designer.
ill tell u how to fix it, deal with it ... mine does that to its not big a deal, just look at the numbers very closley, and usually that only occurs in detailed sections, so im guessing ur doing something in the intermediate section, i would start off with marine armor or mkv armor
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