I would like to submit to you all and idea for when conventions are back up and running.

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Active Member
Some of the discord users are privy to this information, but I figure it would be a not bad idea to throw onto the forum and let y'all play with it.

I've made many a mention that once this pandemic is over that I will be hosting a BrausBQ at my home. Lofty goals, yadda yadda. I've left the invitation open to the discord users, but I think we can go WAY harder than Braus running a grill for a few hours. Hence the idea.

Lets look at our mantle right quick.

  1. UNITY: We value every member and the bond of community they collectively create.
  2. ARMOR: We value the enduring passion and attention to detail our members pour into the creation of their costumes.
  3. HONOR: We value not only honor among our members, but honoring and celebrating the fictional universe of Halo®.
Unity, well, I can't imagine something more unifying than having a few beverages over some kabobs or smoked brisket.
Armor, well, if we can independently schedule some grill days around our local conventions then armor would be a no brainer. I for one would love to have the cops called on me because a bunch of halo nerds are grilling up some ribeyes. The police in my area would also find that hilarious. They are good people.
Honor, well, if we unify at the grill in our armor, and honor the person hosting their event, I do think that we cover all of the tenets.

Comicpalooza this year in Houston is currently a thing. I may or may not be going, dependant on how the vaccines roll out. If I decide to go, and I have people from out of the area deciding to go to said convention, I will within reason host a pre or post con grill day. Depending on how things roll out, I also have room to let people crash if absolutely necessary.

So, all that said, that's my idea. Rip it apart, tell me where it can be better, or tell me it's not a bad idea. What say you 405th?
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Traveling across the US is a bit of a... journey but I'd love to try (prob not for another year or so)
Once everyone is vaccinated and the pandemic has simmered down, the biggest problem with this plan is location and distance. Members would have to trek across America to this legendary BBQ. I think the best way to tackle that issue is carpooling. Or we could go overboard and rent a school/coach bus that we can pick people up in. I have a teeny tiny nissan, so I can probably pick some people up on my way from Milwaukee if I can make it.
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Once everyone is vaccinated and the pandemic has simmered down, the biggest problem with this plan is location and distance. Members would have to trek across America to this legendary BBQ. I think the best way to tackle that issue is carpooling. Or we could go overboard and rent a school/coach bus that we can pick people up in. I have a teeny tiny nissan, so I can probably pick some people up on my way from Milwaukee if I can make it.
The idea is to have this be a thing for other people to do at their homes as well, if they are up for it.
I for one would love to have the cops called on me because a bunch of halo nerds are grilling up some ribeyes. The police in my area would also find that hilarious. They are good people.

Would legitimately be surprised if anybody called the cops on you if u decided to wear a suit of armour while firing up the BBQ, and be even more amazed if the cops actually showed up

Probably the dude thinks ET touched down in the backyard and has commenced invading :lol:
If I was a cop and someone called me on master chief because he was grilling some food I'd ask for a picture and a burger.
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