If you could take anything from anyother game, and put it in Halo What would it be?

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Spartanspork said:
The Dark Gravity gun from Half-life 2

YES pick up a rocket coming to u and throw it back :D

i would like the world to be like oblivion so open so endless
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taking trophies like a predator in the AVP games
or the pockets of resident evil characters
MasterGun said:
YES pick up a rocket coming to u and throw it back :D
i would like the world to be like oblivion so open so endless
Pick up the person shooting rockets at you and slam them against wall :)
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Damn! WE need BARNEY! Have you seen how rabid that ferocious beast is?!?! Itd be cool to ride Barney in to battle like a horse! LOL o.j

umm probrably.... Nah....Halo3's perfect :p
FAII3N ANG3I said:
GOW's taking cover ability

I agree. That comes from a lot of games too, Rainbow Six Vegas and GRAW to name a couple. Dang Ubisoft. :cautious:
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