infinite mkv foam build


New Member
so I've already built a classic CE mkv suit, but I've had my eye on the halo infinite adaptation of the suit. it's probably my favorite interpretation of the suit. I recently found a pepakura unfold of the suit by ElJeiloAmarillo that I'm going to use to make the suit out of foam! I already have some .obj files I bought from Titlewave on Etsy that I'll be using as a reference. I could 3d print the suit, but I prefer working with foam, and I prefer the flexibility of the medium. I have, however already 3d printed the helmet for the suit, which I'm using on my old suit.

hoping to have this done by July for the Denver FanX and Casper Comic-Con, but if I don't then the suit I already have works fine. I'll try my best to keep this thread updated as I make progress (I'm not good at documentation lol)

I started on something small as I'm a little short on time cuz I have to sleep for work, so I made the hand plates! I layered them and used hot glue smoothed over the edges to hide the layers. I'll also include a few pictures of the helmet I have, as well as a forearm I 3d printed.


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5 months is not a whole lot of time to finish a whole suit, but it is still certainly very possible! Best of luck completing your suit before those cons! Congrats on starting a new build
5 months is not a whole lot of time to finish a whole suit, but it is still certainly very possible! Best of luck completing your suit before those cons! Congrats on starting a new build
there's a lot of work i won't have to do cuz i already figured it out on the first suit, things like the strapping and padding, so my fingers are crossed.

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