SPARTAN-033 said:
this is a pretty sweet thing you should pm adam about making this something very popular i know everyone thats read this thread likes it
You asked it, you have it :
Who's behind Adam?
What do you mean? Erm... Aundie my g/f I guess
What's your gamertag? How did you invented it?
gargamel gt - From the smurfs, the guy rocks! - GT is gametavern, a website i made in 2000
What's your (future) profession?
I'm a graphics designer for an ad company
What is your current props project?
What's your main objective for Halo 3?
Finish the fight.
Thanks a lot Adam!
Darkesword2020's Interview
Who's behind you?
Jesus Christ, and my friend, and possible girlfriend Rachel Tullia
What's your gamertag? How did you invented it?
Fusion 2020
It's from my Clone Trooper background...? tongue.gif
What's your (future) profession?
Wannabe Nightmare Armor Studios worker
What is your current props project?
Can't's secret until its finished....
What's your main objective for Halo 3?
Get Rachel to beat it with me on Legendary
Primary Language, and Secondary Language?
Anglais, and Francais
What Armor do you currently own, or are going to own?
Several Clone Trooper suits, A Sean Bradley helmet, Adam's armor, and some Nightmare stuff.
What are your hobbies?
Drawing, Reading, "Hanging out", Armor, Costuming, Rachel biggrin.gif, Music..etc...etc
Any pets?
One Yorkie, and a bird.
Full name?
Fitzgerald Lewis, but call me Fitz, or friends that are girls call me Fitzy tongue.gif
Anything embarassing worth noting?
I once wore my Clone armor, and went into the girls bathroom at a convention..accidentally biggrin.gif tongue.gif
Christian - Episcopalian
French and Irish
Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or Halo?
All of the above..tongue.gif
Halo 1, Halo 2, or Halo 3?
What, I can't have them all?
I'm 16
I live in Virginia, fairfax station.
My past prop projects - Jango Fett costume, Biker scout costume, Commander Deviss..and the Master Chief (even though it's not a past project)
Any more? tongue.gif
Please notice that he added some questions