Hey everyone, my name is Angela. I learned about this website from the October 2010 issue of OXM and thought I'd check it out. I'm 19 and work in the deli at my local grocery store

I also live in Wisconsin so, of course, I'm a huge Packers fan!
Favorite Hobby: photography, gaming, anything in the water, and playing my musical instruments.
Favorite part of halo: getting that rush when I'm about to do something totally epic with the soundtrack playing that iconic music haha aannnnd multiplayer. duh.
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Video Game: FFX, Mass Effect, Halo
Other interests: Philosophy, theology, and psychology
Favorite Food: too many to name

Favorite Band: Dispatch
Favorite Movie(s): LotR, Armageddon, Last Samurai, PotC, Transformers, Zombieland etc