Name: Kegan (Like a KEG of beer. KEG-an (Yes, like Meagan...)), my most common nick name these days is “Twigs”
Profession: Don't really have one, focusing on graduating, though I plan on being a Video Game Concept Artist and hopefully Game Designer. I love games...
Age: 17, around 4 months to 18.
Favorite Hobby: Concept practice on Photoshop. Games. RP. Would say Paintball if I could do it more.
Favorite part of halo: Honestly? Fighting Hunters on Hard+ with a pistol is a close second, but the Halo Lore is my absolute first b/c it encompasses the books too. The world of Halo leaves me spending hours exploring it and I've tried to make several rps.
Favorite Halo: Halo 1 (Love Halo 2)
Favorite Video Game: I like Halos, Fables, Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time FTW), and BC2 is fun. Assassin's Creed series also. Oh, and Battlefront 2.
Other Interests: Paintball/Airsoft. D&D. Music. Computers. Costuming (Would love to make a Spartan Costume like you guys on the vid

). Game Lore. Game Lore creating. Game world creating through art. I love creating worlds.
Favorite Food: Spaghetti, classic stuff with the thick noodles and the rich tomato sauce with big ol' meatballs and lightly covered in a blanket of fine Parmesan. For breakfast, Buttermilk pancakes smothered in butter and drowned in butter-pecan syrup. Add sausage and scrambled eggs lightly peppered and salted and you got my mouth watering.
Archenemy Food: Fish. I hate fish. Except tuna. My dad used to make boxed mac and cheese with cream of mushroom soup and tuna. Wasn't half bad, I eat it like the cookie monster when he finds a cookie jar.
Favorite Finisher: Does jumping off a 3 story building and stabbing two people in the face in Assassin's Creed 2 count?
Favorite Band: No idea... but I like Rock and Heavy Metal, and Christian stuff. Toby Mac is awesome. Only rapper I'll listen to is Eminem. Abusive racist 'my life sucked more than yours' rappers who sing mainly about guns, girls, and generally everything that's illegal... I don't see the interest.
Favorite Movie(s): LotR trilogy. Zombieland. Scott Pilgrim. I like old Disney. I kinda wanna see Tangled XD.
Things I hate: Hack writers (not hackers, writers who write for the money). Aethiests who go out of their way to be ass holes to religious people. Politicians. Oh, and anyone who tortures and kills any sort of longstanding lore, like that chick who thought sparkling vampires would be cool. Did the orcs in Lord of the Rings sparkle? No. Would it have been cool? No. Vampires burn... deal with it.
Other: I've always liked messing with armors in Halo multi-player since Halo 2 gave color options. At the same time I've always wanted to cos-play something that just looks like it was epic beyond belief... plus I love creating stuff, be it on paper, on computer, or just... in general. When I saw the 405th interview I was like, “Oh my God, I LOVE IT!”... yeah. I'm a real nerd for fantasy/medieval too.
And that was a long post, so beat that. Mwahahahahaha! 552 words
