Porky here!
Name: Michael Darro
Profession: Things have changed. I now work for a local car dealership full time, throwing them into this new age of technology with Facebook management, IT Specialization and specific vehicle specs on the Chevy Volt (Volt Specialist). Ten steps above where I was a year ago.
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Writing and Gaming, from Halo Games to Halo Stories. I also voice act, and I am an active member of the Halo Machinama community.
Favorite part of halo: Favorite part? None. The entire Universe to me, is a creative goldmine. It's something I've truly indulged myself in since I was first introduced to Halo: CE when I was 11 years old. I've dabbled into anything and everything Halo since that moment in time, and above anything else, know weapon and armor specs up the wazoo down to their history by heart. A die hard fan of the entire Universe, to lightly put my attachment and favoritism to the series at ease.
Favorite Halo: All of them, from Combat Evolved to Halo Wars. ODST to the original Marathon.
Favorite Video Game: Three things. Halo, Call of Duty and Mass Effect. They all captivate me.
Other Interests: As I said early, I love to write and voice act. I've been doing it since I was 13 years old, and have met some of the most prominent and revolutionary figures in what is now the machinama hobby and industry. From Bernie Burns to Bryan Smith (imSuck), I've been graced with learning and working with some of the best out there, in terms of Halo machinama.
Favorite Food: Seafood diet. I SEE it, I EAT it. Though Sushi and Chicken top my lists.
Favorite Finisher: The new Reach Prestige Assassinations.
Favorite Band: Linkin Park, Faunts and Lost Horizon among many others.
Favorite Movie(s): Black Hawk Down, Demolition Man, The Terminator series, Alien series, Dawn of the Dead, Army of Darkness, District 9, Star Wars (Uber Fanatic) and The Last Samurai.
Other: I'm formally trained in some martial arts, firearms use and tactical planning. I also have a deep love for dogs of nearly all breeds.

I'm really looking forward to learning from you - and potentially working with the rest of you guys one day. I have a feeling it's going to be a blast.