Introduce Yourself

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Name: Theresa
Profession: odd jobs, lately: house painting
Age: 26
Hobbies besides (obviously) gaming & prop fabrication: Shiden'issen Jujutsu, rose cultivation, Steampunk design, NaNoWriMo, HAM radio....
Favorite part of Halo: Cortana's monologue in "Forward Unto Dawn"
Favorite Halo: The only one I've personally beaten is "Reach", but was deeply impressed by it
Favorite Video Games: Bloodborne, Kingdom Hearts 1, Dead Space 1 & 2, Deus Ex series.... (STILL furious that "Epic Mickey" didn't stick to its concept art, else that would be on this list.)
Other Interests: Sci-Fi from the 1800s, independent film production, esoteric Walt Disney history, FINALLY learning to play an instrument....
Favorite Food: SPICY!!! :devil
Favorite Bands: Miracle of Sound, Lindsy Stirling, Abney Park, Within Temptation....
Favorite Movies: HERO (Jet Li), Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, Master & Commander: Far Side of the World, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, Merlin (Sam Neil), Appleseed: Ex Machina.....
Other: I have an uncle who somewhat recently completed building a Master Chief suit; I wonder if he's on here? [I'd say] we have a bit of a rivalry~ him & his top-of-the-line 3D-printer VS me and my 7ft Pepakuras.
Hello All! :D

Name: Huw
Profession: Study
Age: 19
Favorite Hobbies: Video games, Cosplay and food :3
Favorite part of halo: Using the little forklifts in Reach as a primary form of transport whenever possible <.< >.>
Favorite Halo: Would have to be Halo CE :D
Favorite Video Games: Crysis, Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, ALL the Pokemon :3, the Halo games and Elite Dangerous
Other Interests: Enjoy playing the Saxophone, Tabletop card games, Lego and Nerf :D
Favorite Food: Spaghetti Bolognese :3
Favorite Bands: Arctic Monkeys, Fall Out Boy, Hilltop Hoods, Rise Against and Jeff Williams
Other: I enjoy listening to Welcome to Nightvale ....and I also quite enjoy Doctor Who <.< >.>
Name: Paulina
ion : Student
Age : 18
Favourite Hobbies : Video games , musics, reading fictions and researching
Favourite part of Halo : THE STORY!!! IT'S AMAZINGGGGG!!!
Favourite Halo : Halo 5 Guardians
Favourite Video Games : Assassin's creed,Saints row 4,Halo 5
Other Interests : Animation (Maybe it's just a dream
Favourite Food : Nearly everything...
Favourite Bands : Any bands with good songs.
Others : I love game soundtracks!
Hey name is johnny and yes iam a family guy with some time on my hands and a closet passion for foam currently making a suit for my 6 year old son and im just gathering every resource i can possibly currently looking for a pepakura program...i want to build a helmet and its something i must have...any suggestions

Name: Nina, aka Mrs. Chief. :)
Profession: full-time computer science student and United States Air Force ROTC cadet, art and cosplay hobbyist.
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Playing Halo.
Favorite part of Halo: JOHN! Nah but seriously, the story. It's beautiful, it's immersive, and it's emotional.
Favorite Halo: 4
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Other Interests: airplanes, Star Trek, art, writing, reading, Firefly, Marvel
Favorite Food: none
Favorite Band: Muse
Favorite Movie(s): Top Gun, Ex Machina, Serenity, Forward Unto Dawn
Other: I have 4 cats. :)
Name: Lauren Blakley aka Oscar
Profession: Civil Servant for the Dept. of the Navy
Age: Old enough to be on the testing crew for the trial testing of dirt
Favorite Hobby(s): Building Plastic Models and coaching football
Favorite part of HALO: All of the books
Favorite Halo: The Thursday War
Favorite Video Game: Don't play em
Other Interests: Music, Cooking, Bourbon and Women (yes in that order)
Favorite Food: Meat
Favorite Band: Nickleback
Favorite Movie(s): True Grit, The Cruel Sea, and Forest Gump
Favorite Sayings: You just can't fix STUPID and Go Navy, Beat Army.
Other: I survived Dutch Jump School and 24 years of active duty with the U.S. Navy (retired Chief Petty Officer/Naval Aircrewman)
Name: Scott B!
Profession: I work at a UPS Store!
Age: 17! almost 18
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and Cosplaying
Favorite part of halo: The community and the story behind it!
Favorite Halo: Halo 2 because of the memories I have with it!
Favorite Video Game: CS:GO
Other Interests: I play guitar and bass!
Favorite Food: Sushi and Hamburgers!
Favorite Finisher: I have no clue hahah
Favorite Band: Ooooh i have like 10 haha my top two would probably be Blink-182 and maybe Of Mice and Men!
Favorite Movie(s): Top Gun and or Star Wars!
Other: I love you
Well, here goes :)

Name: Kaleia Ginbey, but just call me KC
Profession: Student. Working towards a local radio/news station internship for a couple months
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Oh man, what to choose? Probably reading
Favorite part of halo: Ummm... can 'everything' be an answer? The game play and story line, the amazing community, the iconic weapons and armor. Definitely the memories
Favorite Halo: The first is where everything started :)
Favorite Video Game: My "cool" answer would be MW3. My dad and I play that and bond once a week while the rest of the family is out. My realistic answer though... Clash of clans (does that count?)
Other Interests: Oh jeez, prepare yourselves for an essay. Reading, sleeping, eating, penny boarding (not really for tricks, I just don't like walking), acting, archery, band (flute, clarinet, alto sax), sitting for hours upon end cutting little strips of paper in the art known as pepakura, wondering how my room gets so messy when I literally sit in one spot on my bed every day, Marvel (BULLSEYE IS BAE), professionally singing in the shower, staring out of a window on the bus when it's raining when I listen to sad songs and pretend like i'm in a dramatic music video, impatiently waiting for my lootcrate merch to come in every month... This is just a glimpse of what I like to do, not to mention the bucket list I have on my desk filled with tasks that I will do and enjoy doing to give myself the best experience for the little time that I have on this planet
Favorite Food: Mac n cheese!
Favorite Band: Not really one to segregate music, I guess that's #BandKidStruggles. I listen to anything and everything. I can listen to classical one song and Fall Out boy the next. But my top 3 favorite songs would definitely be: Run Boy Run (The Instrumental) by Woodkid, Lost Boy by Ruth B and Bitterroot Dreams by Jason Webber and the River Kids
Favorite Movie(s): Without a doubt, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Other: Yes, my hair is naturally this color. I guess I've got some cool genes but my hair is probably the most interesting thing about me, but hey, if you ever want to talk, I'm all ears. Seriously, don't even hesitate. I'd love to get to know you guys! :)
Hello all

Name: Chris Holland (GreY)
Profession: Motorcycle Technician
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: Cosplay, Airsoft, Motorcycles, Hobby crafting, Running
Favorite Halo: Reach and 3
Favorite Video Game: Shooters and Racers
Favorite Food: Burgers, Pizza, Sushi, Home cooking
Favorite Band: Pantera, FFDP, Korn, Johnny Cash, Queen
Favorite Movie(s): Anything Zombies, Halo, Comic movies
Name:Stacy Moore
Profession:Seamstress/Designer and daycare worker
Age: 32 (33 in a few months)
Favorite Hobby:Costuming
Favorite part of halo: The cinematography
Favorite Halo: 1
Favorite Video Game:God of War (gasp)
Other Interests:To many to list
Favorite Food:Currently toast
Favorite Finisher: when i get done with progects I do the "drop the mic"
Favorite Band: Evenensence (not sure of spelling)
Favorite Movie(s): Oh goodness! Star Wars, Star trek, So many... really anything that has a lot of detail in their settings.
Other: 405th, If I find something interesting I learn how its made and learn how to do it myself.
Name: Jevorn T.
Profession: Student
Age: 20
Hobbies besides (obviously) gaming & prop fabrication: Gunpla, tabletop RPG
Favorite part of Halo: "Lone Wolf" Mission in reach
Favorite Halo: Reach, don't like what 343 did to the series
Favorite Video Game: Lego Stunt Rally, the Lego Island series
Other Interests: Sci-Fi, Procrastinating on important things like school
Favorite Food: Caribbean
Favorite Bands: Jurassic 5, Blackalicious, Daft Punk
Favorite Movies: i, Robot, Bucket List, Osmosis Jones
Other: I started a suit in Feb 2016, i hope i can finish it before 2017
Name: Bryan
Profession: Firearm salesman/safety instructor - Bass Pro Shops and full time student
Age: 21
Favorite Hobbies: My favorite hobby at the moment is watching movies and writing reviews on them, followed closely by surfing and youtube binge sessions.
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach
Favorite Video Game(s): Mass Effect Trilogy, and pretty much any Bethesda Game
Favorite Foods: Sushi, Breakfast Burritos, S'mores, Hot Wings
Favorite Band: Pink Floyd
Favorite Movie: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Other: I am passionate about movies and music, and I love writing, playing music, and extraverted activities in general.
Name: Joe. But that's boring, so call me Keiji.
Photographer, Videographer, Graphic Designer
Hobbies besides (obviously) gaming & prop fabrication:
Camping, Shooting, Martial Arts, Cycling, Outdoorsy stuff.
Favorite part of Halo:
Multiplayer! Especially the new Warzone gametype.
Favorite Halo:
Currently Halo 5! Whatever the newest installment is I typically find myself favoriting.
Favorite Video Game:
Tossup between an MMO I play (Forsaken World), Halo and Forza.
Other Interests:
Anime and Manga. Tennis I'm just getting into.
Favorite Food:
Sushi and Cheesecake.
Favorite Bands:
ATB and other progressive house type music.
Favorite Movies:
The list is long and complicated.
I also am a political commentator with a Political Website Polar Moderates. I do some voice acting on the side for a few commercial productions.
name: Levi Lousich but I'm often called Louie or Bushy
profession: artillery air defender with the Australian army
age:19 (joined the army at age 17)
hobbies:drinking with mated and hitting up the shooting range. but the artillery range can be fun too (its just a lot of hard work)
favorite part of halo: probably the books by Eric Nylund
favorite halo: probably reach
favorite video game: probably metal gear solid 5 at the moment
other interest: with the amount of time I'm dumping into my costume at the moment i don't have much time for anything else
favorite food: fish (any kind as well as its cooked properly)
favorite band: probably lunatics on Pogo sticks (if you haven heard them they great)
favorite movies: probs "In Bruge"
other: i get 3 weeks leave a year so if you see me posing speed builds thats why. (i cant exactly build a costume in a 1 bedroom flat on barracks)
Name: Andrew
Profession: Future flight nurse, paramedic, icu nurse
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Making halo helmets (not sure how good i am but well see)
Favorite part of halo: The armor, futuristic setting, etc.
Favorite Halo: REACH!!!! YEAH!!!!
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Arkham series, COD
Other Interests: love music, big time caffiene junky
Favorite Food: Sushi, any ethnic food you name it
Favorite Finisher: ???
Favorite Band: Avenged sevenfold, slipknot, powerman5000
Favorite Movie(s): olympus and london has fallen, RED
Other: i play tenor, bari, alto sax, piano, guitar.
Hey everyone, I made this account a while back, but now I'm finally getting around to being more involved. Anyways, here I am

Name: Conor (yes with one n)
Profession: currently a sophomore in high school
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: video games and wrestling
Favorite part of halo: amazing story of the original trilogy, expanding universe, and of course, its incredible soundtrack
Favorite Halo: 3, or maybe 2
Favorite Video Game: Halo, or dead space, possible fable 2. shadow of mordor was really fun
Other Interests: mainly wrestling, more recently interested in costume building
Favorite Food: sushi, or a good burger
Favorite Band: no band in particular, but I like classic rock
Favorite Movie(s): Marvel movies are fantastic, high hopes for dc in coming years. Also love all of adam sandlers older movies like wedding singer, happy gilmore, etc. (none of his more recent crap)

I think it is incredible that the 405th exists. As a child I always dreamed of being a spartan, running around the halls of my school pretending to fight the covenant. This is a dream come true, finding this community of nerds like me dedicated to bringing those dreams to life, and am excited to become a part of it!
Name carl
Job self employed carpet cleaner
Hobbies halo,mountain biking,making things
Age 31
Favourite food stake
Favourite film halo when it comes out
Hey everyone, i'm french, i just suscribe to try craft a halo cosplay !

Name: Julien
Profession: Student Nurse, étudiant en soins infirmiers
Age: 27
Favorite Hobby: Sports
Favorite part of halo:
Favorite Halo: I don't have favorite Halo, I like all episodes
Favorite Video Game: Gran Turismo, Halo, ZOE
Other Interests: Music, science
Favorite Food: Japan foods
Favorite Finisher: I don't remember
Favorite Band: Converge
Favorite Movie(s): V for Vendetta, Super heroes movies, Will Hunting, Star Wars, Chronicles of riddick
Been awhile since I poked around in here and realized that I never did the indroduction thing.

Name: Noah Smalley
Profession: Layout Technician / Claibration Specialist for Hatch Stamping, INC. Chelsea, MI
Age: 32
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and Gunpla (Well I am trying to get back into it.)
Favorite part of halo: The Story, i know I am copying a bit, but they story realy gets me and I can really like the characters.
Favorite Halo: 2, Love me some dual SMG's
Favorite Video Game: I would have to lean a bit more toward Fallout (3 forward, havent played originals), though I do really enjoy Halo, and other shoters even if I am not the best when it comes to PvP.
Other Interests: I used to be in martial arts, but it has been a long time. I enjoy drawing, and painting model kits also.
Favorite Food:
Favorite Finisher: Mortal Combat (what ever Sub Zero does...)
Favorite Band: Bush or RHCP. The former was the first CD i bought and the latter i just really enjoy.
Favorite Movie(s): Fifth Element, Matrix, Akira, Ghost in the Shell
Other: I have traveled to Italy.

Really hoping that I can learn a lot from here so that I can be successful in my armor crafting and not get too discouraged.
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