Well, here goes
Name: Kaleia Ginbey, but just call me KC
Profession: Student. Working towards a local radio/news station internship for a couple months
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Oh man, what to choose? Probably reading
Favorite part of halo: Ummm... can 'everything' be an answer? The game play and story line, the amazing community, the iconic weapons and armor. Definitely the memories
Favorite Halo: The first is where everything started
Favorite Video Game: My "cool" answer would be MW3. My dad and I play that and bond once a week while the rest of the family is out. My realistic answer though... Clash of clans (does that count?)
Other Interests: Oh jeez, prepare yourselves for an essay. Reading, sleeping, eating, penny boarding (not really for tricks, I just don't like walking), acting, archery, band (flute, clarinet, alto sax), sitting for hours upon end cutting little strips of paper in the art known as pepakura, wondering how my room gets so messy when I literally sit in one spot on my bed every day, Marvel (BULLSEYE IS BAE), professionally singing in the shower, staring out of a window on the bus when it's raining when I listen to sad songs and pretend like i'm in a dramatic music video, impatiently waiting for my lootcrate merch to come in every month... This is just a glimpse of what I like to do, not to mention the bucket list I have on my desk filled with tasks that I will do and enjoy doing to give myself the best experience for the little time that I have on this planet
Favorite Food: Mac n cheese!
Favorite Band: Not really one to segregate music, I guess that's #BandKidStruggles. I listen to anything and everything. I can listen to classical one song and Fall Out boy the next. But my top 3 favorite songs would definitely be: Run Boy Run (The Instrumental) by Woodkid, Lost Boy by Ruth B and Bitterroot Dreams by Jason Webber and the River Kids
Favorite Movie(s): Without a doubt, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Other: Yes, my hair is naturally this color. I guess I've got some cool genes but my hair is probably the most interesting thing about me, but hey, if you ever want to talk, I'm all ears. Seriously, don't even hesitate. I'd love to get to know you guys!