Introduce Yourself

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Name: Tom
Profession: IT support
Age: 27
Favorite Hobby: Hockey
Favorite Halo: Halo reach
Favorite part of halo: the universe is super interesting to me
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Titanfall, Spyro the Dragon, Roller Cocaster Tycoon
Other Interests: hockey, video games, roller coasters
Other: I just started cosplaying semi recently when i got a titanfall collectors edition helmet, haven't built much yet but you got to be crappy to get better right?
Name: Jon
Profession: Training to become an Airline Pilot (or cargo, not sure lol)
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: Virtual Reality stuff :D
Favorite part of halo: The last stand in Halo Reach, **** sends chills through me even today.
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Console: Halo Reach, PC: Factorio, and for VR: Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades!
Favorite Food: Steamed Pork Dumplings with rice noodles
Favorite Finisher: All of the assassinations in Halo Reach, I loved pulling them off one everything and everyone lol
Favorite Band: Infected Mushroom or Johnny Cash
Favorite Cartoon: Code Lyoko
Random Facts: I know three languages that only exist in obscure video games and I love cursing at people with them.
Bonjour à tous !!
Hello all ! I'm here to introduce myself like everyone here i think

Name: Jean-Noël
Profession: osteopath
Age: 28
Country: France
Hobby: drawing, painting, airsoft
Favorite Halo: can't choose between Halo2 and Halo Reach
Favorite part of halo: The TV advertising for Halo Reach (and i know it's not really in the game)
Name: Sophie
Profession: I serve in the Canadian Army
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: Sewing, building things, reading, learning, the outdoors
Favorite part of halo: Hum... Let me think about it and I'll be back lol
Favorite Halo: 2, 3, 3ODST and Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Skyrim, The evil within, Portal 1 and 2, Gears of war
Other Interests: Historical fashion, military history, animals, Anthropology and many more
Favorite Food: All the food !
Favorite Finisher:-
Favorite Band: Korn, Impending doom, Limp bizkit, Dimmu Borgir, Moth Equals
Favorite Movie(s): -
Name: Sophie
Profession: I serve in the Canadian Army
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: Sewing, building things, reading, learning, the outdoors
Favorite part of halo: Hum... Let me think about it and I'll be back lol
Favorite Halo: 2, 3, 3ODST and Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Skyrim, The evil within, Portal 1 and 2, Gears of war
Other Interests: Historical fashion, military history, animals, Anthropology and many more
Favorite Food: All the food !
Favorite Finisher:-
Favorite Band: Korn, Impending doom, Limp bizkit, Dimmu Borgir, Moth Equals
Favorite Movie(s): -
Welcome to the 405th! Where are you stationed? There might be a bunch of other 405th folks near you already.
Name: Jeffery
Profession: Biomed in U.S. Army
Age: 42
Favorite Hobby: Making props and costumes.
Favorite Halo: Halo Combat Evolved, played it to death in Afghanistan back in the day.
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Gears of War.
Other Interests: Really into sewing right now. Just finished my first muscle suit.
Favorite Food: A good cheeseburger.
Favorite Band: Slipknot, Skidrow, Steel Panther
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars, love Sci Fi and silly B movies.
Other: Made a Master Chief costume for my youngest son a few years back. Now after making him a war machine and sub zero costume and my other son a Beta Ray Bill costume and just finished my oldests Skeletor build, I figured its time for me to do something for myself.
Name: Jordon
Profession: I'm a firefighter
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Camping and offroading
Favorite part of halo: Music and the story
Favorite Halo: Reach (Yah yah not the most popular but it was fun) or Halo 3
Favorite Video Game: Halo Reach
Other Interests: Firefighting, Fishing, Building stuff (cosplay furniture, or a Jurassic park jeep)
Favorite Food: Steak!
Favorite Band: Too many options
Favorite Movie(s): Inglorious Bastards
Other: I also keep tarantulas
(I've been here for 2 years but I was never very active or did this )

Name: Jesus Contreras
profession: none at this time
Age: 14
Favorite hobby: play video games
Halo's favorite part: When the master Chief is in high charity
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Food: mashed potatoes
Favorite band: avenged sevenfold
Favorite movie: Dark knight
Other: 2 years have passed and I haven't done a full armor
Hey folks! As a greenhorn, I figured it best if I introduced myself!

Name: Cass
Profession: Healthcare Assistant/Writer
Age: 33
Favorite Hobby: If you can choose video games, always choose video games. Or maybe cheese-eating.
Favorite part of halo: Halo CE legendary ending was amazing at the time. Although not the best, probably the most heartfelt moment for me was in Halo 4, after Cortana was gone. From her going, then John being alone again after all this time, I was a teary mess.
Favorite Halo: Halo 3. This game was the first time I'd heavily got into multiplayer since early Counter-Strike. Many hours have been spent in ranked, playing Grifball, or making stupid maps with my friends.
Favorite Video Game: Console: Halo Reach, PC: Factorio, and for VR: Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades!
Favorite Food: Cheese? Nah ;P Probably lasagne or chicken enchiladas. Maybe pizza. I dunno, I love a lot of food!
Favorite Band/Artist: I could list bands all day. Ok Go, Alice in Chains, Eddie Vedder/Pearl Jam, Alanis Morisette, Nien Inch Nails, Eluveitie, Chopin...and waaaay more.
Favorite Movie(s): Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, American Beauty, Terminator 2, Jurassic Park, Moon, Grand Budapest Hotel (again, I can keep going xD)
Random Facts: I once let someone slap me with a raw fish. It hurts way more than you'd think.
Name: Stephen Dowd
Profession: Technical Service Representative
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: Gaming
Favorite part of halo: Stealth kills in reach
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
Other Interests: Reading
Favorite Food: Enchiladas
Favorite Finisher: x10 Kamehameha wave
Favorite Band: Skillet
Favorite Movie(s): None.
Other: 35T (Tango) with the Oklahoma Army National Guard
Name: Ryan Kim
Profession: Work as a FX Artist for blockbuster movies likes, Shazam! and Godzilla Vs Kong.
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: Cosplaying, Video Games, and Photography
Favorite part of halo: Getting on with friends and having a great time! I also do love the story!
Favorite Halo: Halo 3
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Nier Automata.
Other Interests: I do like doing 3D Effects, airsoft/paintball, watching Anime and Movies
Favorite Food: Ramen
Favorite Artist: Teminite and Alan Walker
Favorite Movie(s): Kimi no na wa, How to Train your Dragon, and Spider Man: Into the Spider-verse
Other: Used to have a spartan armor cosplay


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Name: Mike
Profession: Marine Intel Sergeant
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Tabletop RPGs
Favorite part of halo: The Story of ODST. I found it quite refreshing to play an average human in a world of superhuman and aliens.
Favorite Halo: Reach/ODST
Favorite Video Game: Single Player- The Elderscroll series, Multi Player- FPS- HALO, Battlefield. Minecraft has to go here too.
Favorite Food: Can I just put yes here? Except shrimp and eggplant
Favorite Finisher: Any assassination. Sneaky stealthy goodness.
Favorite Band: Uhhh... Too many to choose just one...
Favorite Cartoon: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Random Facts: Found out it's totally possible to emulate Spartans... Might consider this in the future....
Name: Michael
Hobby:video games and hopefully maybe cosplay
Profession: college
Favorite game: to many to pick and halo reach
Favorite line in halo: “well Ralph ol’ buddy looks like we got something new”
Favorite food: pizza
Favorite movie: Jurassic park, jaws, Kudo and the two strings, night mare before Christmas and hellboy
Favorite song: back in black

I’ve never made armor, but after going to the halo outpost and talking to some of the people at the 405th infantry division booth there I now feel like getting in to it. I still have a lot of questions about all the workings of making armor byt I know it’s going to be a fun journey to find those answers.
Name: Terry
Hobby: write music (christian) and play halo
Profession: IT Sector
Favorite game: Halo 3
Favorite line in halo: “could you possibly make any more noise?..."
Favorite food: Grandmas Menudo (RIP Gma)
Favorite movie: Nacho Libre, WaterBoy, LOTR II
Favorite song: to many to list. Great I am, To worship you i live...

I have never build armor but I went to outpost discovery this weekend and I was like a little kind in a candy store.... I might get into this.
Name: Veronica
Profession: Am currently working as a server and working on animation major!
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: Baking, Gaming, paintball and crafting
Favorite line in halo: "Tank beats everything! Aw man, I could do this all day!"
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: I mean, pretty sure its halo lmao
Other Interests: I've only gone once but airsofting is so much fun!!
Favorite Food: Pad Thai! or Pad See Ew!
Favorite part of halo: The first time you load up the game and the music hits you
Favorite song: I'm not really too picky about songs and change a lot, so as of right now it's probably Why not me by khai dreams!
Other: I don't have many talents BUT that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop trying!
Name: Vladimir Brown
Profession: Facilitator at Central Michigan University's Rock wall, also a costume and prop designer. (Studying Biology at CMU)
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: Going on biological expeditions, designing new costumes
Favorite part of halo: The in depth diversity of the different species and the cultures/ weapons that they bring to the fight with them. (My favorite species are the Jackals)
Favorite Halo: 2 or Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo or Assassin's Creed
Other Interests: I capture and release animals.
Favorite Food: Thai Chicken Fried Rice
Favorite Finisher: DOOM 2016 (Any of the gory kills)
Favorite Song: Raggle Taggle Gypsy, by: The Chieftains
Favorite Movie(s): Alien, Aliens, Jurassic Park 1 2 & 3
Other: I'm a expert rock climber, and I know a lot about paleontology.
Name: Kyla
Profession: 3rd Year Apprentice Carpenter
Age: 24
Favourite Hobby: besides cosplay, crocheting
Favourite Part of Halo: The Lore; it's fascinating.
Favourite Video Game: If I'm being honest, It's have to Super Smash Bros... It's one of the only games that I really got to play regularly growing up.
Favourite Food: Pulled Pork or Sushi
Favourite Movie(s): I probably have to say Inception just because of the how many times I watched it after it was released.
Other: I'm VERY new to the world of Halo. I've played Halo 3 (I think?) maybe three times at a neighbour's house when it first came out. But through cosplay I've gained more of an interest and have had friends pestering me (you know who you are) to join in on here to help as I dive deeper into the world of Halo and Armour making.
Name: Zach
Profession: Y-Tex Machine Operator
Age: 27
Favourite Hobby: video games, reading.
Favourite Part of Halo: The Lore, the games, the fans, etc. it's fascinating.
Favourite Video Game: I would have to say Halo 4.
Favourite Food: Pizza, I know typical right? Lol
Favourite Movie(s): I would have to make a list lol
Other: In the past 3 months I have listened to every single Halo Novel. I've played every single Halo game except for Halo Wars 2. I've gained more of an interest for cosplay cant wait to dive deeper into the world of Halo and make my 1st set of Armor. I was also at the Anaheim Outpost Discovery and I hope they do it again next year, I had a blast!
Name: Kieran
Profession: High School
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of halo: All of Halo Reach
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Single Player- Call of Duty MW3 Multi Player- Halo
Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Finisher:
Favorite Band: The Rolling Stones
Favorite Cartoon: Bakugan
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