Introduce Yourself

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Name: Anne or AJ
Profession: Equine Veterinarian and Acupuncturist
Age: What is that old adage about asking a lady their age? Haha (late 30s for those of you who MUST know...)
Favorite Hobbies: drawing, writing, video games, the beach
Favorite part of halo: is is appropriate to answer ALL? Everything about Halo is wonderful- the gameplay, lore, the fandom... As for my favorite part of the actual games? The 'Don't make a girl a promise you can't keep...' line brings out the FEELS.
Favorite Halo: I think 3 or Reach, but I love and will play all of them (and die alot...)
Favorite Video Game: Halo series, Breath of the Wild, Dragon Age series, or any Final Fantasy 4- X2
Other Interests: Sports anime currently holds my soul in its clutches. I do enjoy the outdoors, especially the beach. Working out
Favorite Food: do I have to choose? TACOS (al pastor)
Favorite Finisher: the one where I am not dying...
Favorite Band: I enjoy most music, but I have a soft spot for Daddy Yankee and PitBull.
Favorite Movie(s): Princess Mononoke, the whole MCU, Shawshank Redemption to name a few...
Other: I met some of my closest friends when I overheard them talking about Halo at a bar. I have since taken the plunge into cosplay, and I love it. Halo Outpost: Philly was phenomenal, and I had such a blast seeing all the great builds!
Name: Hawk or Hawkoko, prefer going by username
Hobbies: Watching anime, video games, and of course being creative (drawing, cosplay)
Favorite Halo: Halo 2. Loved the whole playing from both sides aspect.
Favorite part of Halo: The story/lore. And of course the fandom that has spawned from it.
Favorite Food: Burgers
Favorite Band: Linkin Park

-Started working on cosplay February 2018, and completed 1st cosplay April 2018. Very fun working on and walking around in, glad I got into the craft.
-Houston based for now
-big weeb
Name: Kyla
Profession: 3rd Year Apprentice Carpenter
Age: 24
Favourite Hobby: besides cosplay, crocheting
Favourite Part of Halo: The Lore; it's fascinating.
Favourite Video Game: If I'm being honest, It's have to Super Smash Bros... It's one of the only games that I really got to play regularly growing up.
Favourite Food: Pulled Pork or Sushi
Favourite Movie(s): I probably have to say Inception just because of the how many times I watched it after it was released.
Other: I'm VERY new to the world of Halo. I've played Halo 3 (I think?) maybe three times at a neighbour's house when it first came out. But through cosplay I've gained more of an interest and have had friends pestering me (you know who you are) to join in on here to help as I dive deeper into the world of Halo and Armour making.
Oh my gosh, is that world famous cosplayer Special K Cosplay?!
Hey guys. Im interested in making a costume. Id really like suggestions to be more original and i will take any tip i can to get this started. I have not really a clue what I'm doing. But never too late to learn aye? Really id just like some general directions to START like where to get supplies (what supplies?) where to find easiest tutorials, anything will help thank you.
Name: Ethan
Experience: none lol
Job: joining military
Hobbies:hopefully making a costume, longboarding, playing instruments, freestyle rap, ive made paper maché for costumes before but not foam, meeting new people, flirting lmao
Favorite videogame: super smash brothers
Favorite Halo: really hard choice between Halo 3 and Halo Reach
Marital status: Single mothafucka
Favorite movie: IT 2 just became a top 5
Favorite music: rap, dubstep, and falling heavy into indy music
MasterQueef, good to have you on board.

There are a lot of good tutorials already out there on YouTube, if you look up Evil Ted, punished props, or similar channels, that should give you enough video tutorial to get you started.

A gentle reminder to keep your language clean, please. There are a ton of younger people and older people who don't take lightly to dropping harsh language.

As for resources go check out the armory. There are a ton of good files to get you started.
Name: UK_IN_US, UK for short.
Age: 21
Hobbies: Gaming, PC Building, Warhammer 40K, Airsoft.
Job: I work in the hospitality industry.
Experience: Essentially none. I know my way around AutoCAD and that's basically it.
Favorite Game: Currently, CS:GO.
Favorite Part of Halo: The books. Many an otherwise-useful hour of my school career has been lost to Erik Nylund and co.
Favorite Music: Electronic? I listen to a lot of genres and can't stand rap or metal where I can't sing along, but I'll listen to almost anything.
Other: I am as tall as the canon MC height out-of-armor. Built like a straw, though.
Name: Cricket
Profession: Pizza delivery by day, bartender by night, video game tournament admin on weekends and holidays!
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: Video games and Cosplay
Favorite part of halo: The story, and honestly, playing Warzone with friends
Favorite Halo: Halo 5
Favorite Video Game: Dishonored, with Smite and Overwatch close behind
Other Interests: I enjoy traveling, painting, and sewing!
Favorite Food: Chicken Parmesan
Favorite Band(s): Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Three Days Grace, Caravan Palace,
Favorite Movie(s): Lord of the Rings (Extended versions), anything MCU, all X-Men, Harry Potter, and RDJ Sherlock Holmes (Plus, anything animated? I just really enjoy animation!)
Other: I work for UGC and have worked in association with P5 to run Halo tournaments. This past weekend, I was in Atlantic City, and met a couple from the 405th who invited me to join this forum. I planned on building a KAT cosplay, so it was a logical move. If anyone plans on being at Dreamhack Atlanta, let me know!

I feel like it's very fitting for me to be finally joining the 405th and sharing my introduction on the 405th page of this thread.
Name: Cricket
Profession: Pizza delivery by day, bartender by night, video game tournament admin on weekends and holidays!
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: Video games and Cosplay
Favorite part of halo: The story, and honestly, playing Warzone with friends
Favorite Halo: Halo 5
Favorite Video Game: Dishonored, with Smite and Overwatch close behind
Other Interests: I enjoy traveling, painting, and sewing!
Favorite Food: Chicken Parmesan
Favorite Band(s): Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Three Days Grace, Caravan Palace,
Favorite Movie(s): Lord of the Rings (Extended versions), anything MCU, all X-Men, Harry Potter, and RDJ Sherlock Holmes (Plus, anything animated? I just really enjoy animation!)
Other: I work for UGC and have worked in association with P5 to run Halo tournaments. This past weekend, I was in Atlantic City, and met a couple from the 405th who invited me to join this forum. I planned on building a KAT cosplay, so it was a logical move. If anyone plans on being at Dreamhack Atlanta, let me know!

I feel like it's very fitting for me to be finally joining the 405th and sharing my introduction on the 405th page of this thread.

It was great to meet you in Atlantic City this past weekend!!! Welcome to the 405th!!!
Favorite Hobby: Building and 3d printing (why I'm here!)
Favorite part of halo: The entire campaign has been amazing to me thus far. Halo 3: ODST was, and still is a passion of mine.
Favorite Halo: Halo ODST and Reach
Favorite Video Game: Fallout 3&4
Other Interests: Very outdoors-y and I make cosplays and cook in my spare time!
Favorite Food: Buffalo Mac
Favorite Band: Hard to say, I listen to some of everything
Favorite Movie(s): Lord of the rings series, Blade Runner, most MCU movies
Other: I started off with rebuilding classic cars and got into working with my hands. Since then I've been designing and building furniture and cosplay stuff. I LOVE weathering cosplays and props, it's an absolute blast!! ((Currently working on an ODST/Spartan variant of my own!))


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Hi everyone! Been lurking around here for about a year but I figured I'd finally introduce myself!

Name: Nick (Foam & Foundry)
Profession: Student, but my last job between semesters was as a CNC Machine Operator
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: 3D printing/just making stuff in general
Favorite part of Halo: The story, the soundtracks, the immersion, the uniforms, and pretty much everything else
Favorite Halo Game: ODST
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars
Other: My first cosplay was Wash (Firefly), but since then I've done DFT ODST armor, Jayne Cobb (Firefly), Casual Aang (ATLA), and Brohammer/Halo Infinite Pilot costumes!


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Name: Nate
Profession: IT/Graphic designer
Age: 26
Favorite Hobby: Drawing
Favorite part of Halo: The story, but also the power armor!
Favorite Halo Game: Reach
Favorite Music Genre: Lo-Fi hip hop
Favorite Movie: Gladiator
Favorite Food: Chicken Parmesan
Other: I've never done any cosplay before, but I've always had an interest in it. Once I heard about this community, I had to check it out! I hope I can learn a lot about creating my first suit of power armor (I'm going to attempt Carter's armor first)!
Name: Aiden
Profession: High School Student
Age: 16
Hobbies: Magic The Gathering, Sports, Videogames, and Band
Favorite Part of Halo: The Lore, And the Arbiter.
Favorite Video Games: Halo, Elder Scrolls, and Fallout.
Favorite Halo Game:3/2/Reach
Favorite Halo line: "Were it so easy"
Favorite band: Two Steps From Hell
Favorite Movie: Marvel Movies
Favorite Food: Cheese Cake
Other: I'm new to cosplay, I've always wanted to dress as a spartan so I figured this was the best place to start. I'm super excited to start on my own armor from Halo Reach.
NAME: Connor (or call me Modern but tbh Modern is cooler)
AGE: 21
PROFESSION: College but soon to be IT
HOBBIES: Hockey, weightlifting, anime, piano
FAV HALO: Halo Reach - This is the only Halo that legitimately made me cry every time.
FAV VIDEO GAMES: Halo (of course), Overwatch, Borderlands, Town of Salem, Rainbow 6 Siege
FAV ANIMES: My Hero Academia, Dragonball Series, Initial D
FAV MUSIC: EDM (def my number 1 go-to), Classic Rock, Alternative
FAV FOOD: Steak, pizza, pasta, udon
COSPLAY: I haven't had much experience personally but I have been working on making a Deku cosplay from MHA. Though my heart has always been set on doing a Halo Reach Armor cosplay or even a blue team or red team cosplay!

If you have any other questions just send me a message I'm always happy to talk to anyone :)
Name: Luca (goes By Lucian Annix online)
Profession: Student attempting to gain a commision in the US Airforce
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and watching Tv
Favorite part of halo: I love the insane ammount of lore to learn and worlds to explore. Personnal favorite though is the ODST and them still accepting the fact they still die and still jump feet first
Favorite Video Game: Halo Reach
Other Interests: I do a small amount of living history events as a soldier in the US Army during the indian Wars
Favorite Food: None in particular
Favorite Band: Changes by the mood, but Johnny Cash stays pretty high
Favorite Movie(s): Love most movies that are historically accurate like getty's burg or Waterloo.
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