Ithica's Rogue Helmet

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Wow Ithica, your work is so amazing! I honestly can't believe that the rogue was actually made by hand, it looks like something that could have come straight from UNSC because it's so perfect! :)

I can understand your problem though. I think the rogue is absolutely beautiful and if I was older I would definately put my name down for a cast! Even if it doesn't fit people, it's a brilliant model that could be used just for display - I bet there's a lot of people here that would love to have one of these perched on their shelves!

I think casts would almost definately sell because it's such a lovely piece!

Good luck and congratulations on such a brilliant turnout!

P.S The sky and sunshine on the "Epic Fail" video made me want to go on holiday! We never get weather like that in Britain! *Craves sunshine and temperatures above 3 degrees!*
Wow, that's amazing Ithica! Hmmm.. I would bet a full set of MC armor you'll be an Elite, Moderator.. etc.

Very nice work can't wait to see those Hayabusa casts!
Thank you very much for your kind words. It is far from prefect but I am very glad I was able to save it. If you want a vacation come on over to the U.S. There are plenty of Members that you can stay

Thank you HaloFreakX. Ilike where I'm at for I do want to make Elite one day.

The biggest controlling factors on fit I've seen with my rogue are the vertical distance so that it covers the chin area, and the space between the visor and the back of the helm as all the mouth area will pretty much be open space. I'll try to make a vid this evening to explain it a little better and maybe help you decide on model cast vs. wearable helm. Truthfully I would trade one of mine for one of yours either way. :)
You got talent man, but that really stinks that your clay cracked. I wonder what made the plaster dry really fast? What i would do know is just maybe make a pepkura of it then sculpt it really good with bondo ( i'm sure you could do that with your talent)
Actually I am molding this one as well. I just have a few other projects going on to so it may be a lil bit. I was able to recover the helmet and it will make a great statue after I make the mold. I will keep you all posted. Thank you very much for the complimaints.

ithica, do me a favor. can you wear the helmet, because most of the member's dont knoe much about the SB helms. thx. oh and by helmet i meen the rogue
rvb18 said:
ithica, do me a favor. can you wear the helmet, because most of the member's dont knoe much about the SB helms. thx. oh and by helmet i meen the rogue
One I have it done I sure can try to wear We will see.


P.s. I'm stupid, what is SB? Scratch Built?
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Ithica said:
P.s. I'm stupid, what is SB? Scratch Built?

SB = Sean Bradley

And awesome work on the rogue helm, great detail.
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Bravissimo, bravissimo!!!! It's good to see that even with all the Mishaps and what not, still in the end it worked out great. Congrats really, can't wait to see the finished product. Keep up the good work.
Question about you mother mold (the fb) Do you have to put a release agent over the Rebound 25 before you lay up the fiberglass and and resin?
(my guess is no since it is silicone)
Turned out good! Keep it going!
ContractKiller: Thank you very much. I will keep you posted.

JediStumpy: I didn't have to put a release agent over the reboud 25 BUt I did have to put some onn the edge of the one side before makig the otheer so they did not stick. Also be sure to have good gloves and a screw driver the help pry the two apart...It is realy a pain because it does crate a seal and you have to brake it for the first time when taking the shell off.

Kaya Tetsu: It is really small. I am mainly making this for a display piece and a lesson learned. I'm sure there will be more to come soon.

I've been waiting to see the cast, and it came out looking good... congrats!

Did you brush the rebound 25 (silicone mold) on to the rogue helmet to create your mold?

Again, great job!
Yup we brushed it on. As you can see it wasn't to thick and neither was the shell. To be honest they both should have been alot thicker but I was sure how it was going to turn out. I wasn't sure that even if the mold was correct it would look good considering what it had been through sdo I made a hasty mold and it served it's purpose.

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