Rock said:I don't know how this went under my radar. Great project.
Probably because I've been chilling in the noob forum
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Rock said:I don't know how this went under my radar. Great project.
Horgh said:Interesting stuff, could have made the leg/feet/extensions a big longer though.
Achille said:I think we definitely need to see a video of you with both pieces of the head on. That lower jaw looks beautiful, and moves so nicely.
smilie120 said:Awesome thread is awesome, this should be in the elite section IMO.
Plus it makes it more awesome, because no one has ever attempted a jackal before.
Best of luck with the rest of the suit I will be watching for updates.
RFPnoodle said:Well, I have seen a few people attempt it. I haven't seen a completed one, however.
I don't want to be the first, I just want to be the best(said without a shred of vanity, of course...
;; )
And I'm torn. I was thinking my next costume would be an honor guard elite...but then I was doing some research on the prophets...and I kind of want to make a prophet next instead. I mean, how fun would it be to craft the chair (it probably wouldn't hover though lol) and make the head/neck of the prophet and sew his robes, haha! So much fun! Oh...choices! My goal is to make one for each covenant alien someday. It'll take a long time to do, but oh man. It's gonna be so much fun!
I've tried to make sketches of the other covie ideas I have. Because I'm so excited, I'll go over them for a minute:
Grunt: Complete
Jackal: Near complete
Elite: I'll be making an honor guard. Pretty sure about that. Or Arbie. it's so hard to choose! I kind of want to make a humorous sign for each of these guys to hold. The elite could have a "looking for work" sign. The hunter could have like a sign seeking a mate, the prophet could be holding one of those signs like those really religious people do when they stand on much fun! The elite will have stilts, although slightly different, and some kind of puppetry inside the head for the jaws to move.
Hunter: This one I expect will take two years to complete. My boyfriend keeps bothering me and saying he wants to make one too, but he doesn't like the fact that ours will not look the same, since I have more experience. But I hate doing things twice and plus, I think he should learn the costuming process himself. The other issue is scale. I'm 5'4", he is 6' 4". So we would have to adjust the parts of the hunter body for proportion. Other than that, I have some great ideas sketched out for some slick puppetry involved. It's gonna be faaaabulous. And completely frightening.But I may save this costume for later on, due to size and space constraints.
Prophet: This guy will be so much fun! Ideally I would make it so that I could hop out of the chair, though depending on how I give the illusion of hovering will depend on if I can actually hop out or not. Regardless, it will be awesome. I'm gonna make him creepy as hell!
Brute: I already know that I want to do Tartarus. Why? Well, I hate brutes, and I hate Tartarus. But I loooove his beard. How much fun will it be to make his white beard? It will be so COOL!
Drone: This one will be a little weird to do, but I have some ideas. Obviously the anatomy is completely impossible for me to get 100% accurate due to my not being skinny, but as always I will try and compensate for that with its general awesomeness. The wings will be so much fun to make! I'm thinking it would be cool if I could add a mechanism to allow me to get the wings to extend out.
Engineer: This one is gonna be probably one of the more challenging. This is due to the fact that they hover, of course. Aside from that it won't be too hard. A lot of sewing, perhaps, which isn't one of my favorite things to do, so I'll end up hot gluing it
Skirmisher: Not going to do this one for a while since it's too similar to the Jackal and I am tired of working on the Jackal. But I will do it. I love their feathers, and their necks remind me of frigate birds. So cool!
and for the hell of it,
Flood: Not sure what form I want to do but for sure I have an idea to make the little infection minion guys and give the illusion that they are running ahead of me at someone. I want to make it the creepiest costume of them all. It'll be so COOL!
They'll all be cool, who am I kidding?
Guys, sorry. I'm just really excited. I wish I had more time to work on them all, though. It'll just have to be slow and steady for now.
I'm so excited![]()
HaloReplicas said:that being said, my grunt costume will be better than yours!, and after you finished your jackal, mine will also be better, MUHAHAHAHA!!! no but seriousley you're doing a great job on the shield, may i ask, paintbrush or all by hand?
please continue to post updates, i'll be knowing what to improve in mine! *evil maniacal laughter*
Boba Fett said:That is the best jackel... ever! and that shield! I can honestly believe that it would work... you should be a jackel for operation chastity! Forget cg jackels!![]()