Jackal Costume Finished: Now for a Hunter!
(I know this isn't the thread for this, but I'm not going to start a new thread which won't have any pictures, so I guess if the mods have a problem, I apologize profusely in advance.) Just hear me out.)
So, uh. F this. I've decided, I can't wait. I need to make the Hunter next.
Following the Grunts, Hunters are my second favorite Covenant. I have always wanted to make a costume for one. Since I recently figured out how to build one, to scale, easily, light-weight, and fully proportional, the ideas have been swimming around in my head for too long to let this wait. Yes, I want to do an Elite, but my life is changing in ways that are pressing for making this costume NOW. I've got one year before I'm leaving for art school, and I have no idea how to transport a Hunter costume to San Francisco, which is where I want to go. If I can, I want to shoot for San Diego Comic Con, because, ****, I'll get some exposure there for sure. That's where the Elite whose shadow I'm walking in was first popularized. As to how I'll get the mostly built Hunter to San Francisco, I don't know. Maybe once I get this thing rolling along further enough I can get some people to help donate funds to transport this beast.
The one issue I'm having is figuring out how to "collapse" the costume enough so that I can carry the pieces of it into and around a con in order to put them on, without a helper. Because I'm probably going to go alone. A scary thought, considering my Jackal needed so much help and the person I went to the con with gave me minimal assistance at best, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I don't think anything is impossible. I just have to sit and figure it out first.
So my next challenges will be: 1. figuring out transportability, and 2. building some rigs for this bad mother.
Again, I have ideas, I can't post them until I start progress on this, which I'm planning on doing soon. I've mentioned before that my main issue is space, because the apartment I'm living in for next school year is going to be tiny as hell. However, I'm going to see if I can't work at my mom's house for some of the pieces. I'm pretty sure she'll be for it, she enjoys my artwork. This is going to be tricky due to the distance she lives from me (an hour and a half away, which isn't that far, but still it's not convenient), but I'll make it work.
And then, I'm not sure who suggested that I hang some of the parts up in a big net from my ceiling, because I want to give them due credit for such a brilliant idea, (speak up if you're that person) but it's definitely a good plan. That'll be a space saver for sure.
I have the rest of this summer, and next summer. This school year is going to be slow and steady, though, since I'm going to be half-time student teaching for the first semester, and full-time student teaching next semester. And if anyone has any idea of how little free time teachers have, they'll understand why it's going to be difficult for me to make significant progress on the costume during that time. I'm still gonna try for it, though.
So, it'll be hard for me to make updates on a regular basis, but I'll try my best.
Anyways, wish me luck. When I get either the stilts or the torso rig built I'll start a thread on this place, and then I'll share with you all the design blueprints. I gotta get this thing rolling before I do that, so you'll hear from me, hopefully soon.
I'm so excited I can't sleep. It's 5 am. Agh! I gotta do this, it's my dream. You guys are going to crap your pants. Hopefully not literally. WOO!