Props Jorge 052 Chain Gun Scratch Build

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Dude the chain gun is looking sweet my friend, I'm gona be working on Jorge's suit so I'm gona keep a eye on this one to see if i can think up a way to make one for my self, maybe borrow some of your ideas, if you don't mind that is.
If you so much as take one idea from this thread, I swear, I will....

be very glad my work made it into someone's project! :D

Oh No! I'm out of cardboard! :(
Heh heh, I've caught that serveral times in the past :p.

Symptoms may include:

*Irregular Drooling for long periods of time.

*Loss of Sleep.

*Back ache.

*Sudden Nerdgasms.

*Involuntary use of the word,"Epic!"

If you start to have any of the symptoms please notify your doctor or Bungie.

As of right now, there is no known cure.


LOL!!! to that man
Dude that looks awesome man! Im almost ready to start on the machine gun myself and have been drooling over the pepakura viewer looking at the parts forever and what you have so far looks spot on! Good luck on the rest and i would give you cardboard but i already gave it to bevbor for his full size tank build XD LOL
Originally Posted by Akademee
If you so much as take one idea from this thread, I swear, I will....

be very glad my work made it into someone's project!

Oh No! I'm out of cardboard
lol. Hope to see the finish product, and i know one of the best places to get cardboard, if there is a Sam's Club where you live you should check there. That place is a gold mine, and not only for cardboard. But you need to sign up to get in, if you an't a member just ask the person at the entrance if you can get some cardboard. Look through around, theres bound to be some lying around, or check at the front of the store, you might find some there. Or you cna go to Wal Mart and ask there. :)
Dude that looks awesome man! Im almost ready to start on the machine gun myself and have been drooling over the pepakura viewer looking at the parts forever and what you have so far looks spot on! Good luck on the rest and i would give you cardboard but i already gave it to bevbor for his full size tank build XD LOL

I have made an explicit effort to NEVER do pepakura weapons again! :p I'm using AceHigh's pep files on Pep Designer for better reference, and that has been helping out tremendously
The pep models by AceHigh really helped a lot too. I also found his assembled model, Computer Generated, on Youtube, I will be starting the main barrel soon.
Good progress. I love findding post like this that are filled with amazingness and... medical symptoms... wait thats bads, but so EPIC!
It's a five foot long chain gun!


Just kidding, I don't plan on molding it, but if I was, I would have to break it down into 5 or 6 pieces and since silicone is expensive, I would sooner send someone a cubic yard of cardboard and some reference drawings! :p
Lol that makes sense now that i think about that haha though i would luv to have those reference drawings if u dont mind. if u plz... Thnx if u do oh and how big of the cardboard tube is that middle one or i mean the main one? i got some tubing here but i was thinkin it might be a bit big
Unfortunatly, the original creator of the files, AceHigh, who left the forums a few months ago, requested that his files not be distributed more so than they already are. I was mostly using a youtube video of his fully assembled model, and that has recently disappeared. However, with more and more Reach stuff coming out, looking at Halopedia will surely give you some good ref pics!

I eyeballed the central tube, I asked, "Is this the right size? It is now!"
I see that vid did disapear yep i was looking for that when i saw yur post oh well great job still and oh MORE WIP PICS!!! lol later!
It seems like it has been a long time since I have posted any progress. But I am nearly finished with the non-barrel portion of this build (skeleton wise).

Just an FYI, I have been working on my scale models, which cut into my armor-time!

Things that have been added:
Forward grip
Front plate
Side supports
Barrel supports (started, I need to make these super robust)

Anyway, here are the latest update pics




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I just started the barrel and since I am breaking the gun into two parts (barrel and gun) I can officially say the building of the "gun" is done! The little slits in the barrel cover are a bit difficult to get right...
I never like making double posts, but here is one anyway. With another update of course!

I am nearly finished with the cardboard portion of this build. All I need is to finish the very front of the barrel, and I'm home free for a while!

Here is the barrel almost completely assembled. Just a note, I made a miscalculation and, what I believe to be, a continuity correction, but since I had to make the forward grip wider for my hand, and as a result the girth of the barrel increased. I hope I don't get too much hate for that!:p



Here is the finished back end of the machine gun. I am breaking the gun down into two parts for ease of transportation. They will be secured to each other using large 1/2 inch hex bolts after strengthening. This part will be covered by a third part of the gun, the barrel cover (the worn yellow section between the two parts, not yet built).


With respect to what I said above, since the gun isn't glassed yet, obviously the barrel has a natural sag when held unsupported to the back end. This will be fixed with the hex bolts. Right now, I am wagering that the gun will be around 20-30 pounds when completed.




This thing is freakin' huge and an early response to those who say it could be out of scale. I say "Who cares? This is awesome!"

That is amazing! And don't worry about the scale, the bigger the better! I mean a 7 foot guy carries this thing around, so don't worry about it being to big. Keep up the amazing work, and can't wait to see it finished!
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