Props Jorge 052 Chain Gun Scratch Build

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Thanks! I do personally like it to be a bit bigger, it is more to scale as Noble 6 holding it than Jorge, but we all can't be over 7 feet tall, 6 feet will have to do...
Thanks! I do personally like it to be a bit bigger, it is more to scale as Noble 6 holding it than Jorge, but we all can't be over 7 feet tall, 6 feet will have to do...

Your six feet tall? Dang... You're probably more of a spartan than any of us shorties will ever be.
WOW!!!!! that is incredible. ok i have to ask i have never made anything out of cardboard but that looks as if it would be alot and i mean alot of resin and bondo. can't wait to see what you do next with making that beast.
The resin, not so much, I think it will only add a few pounds at most, there will be a lot of detailing though. I left as much of the corrugation as possible to allow resin to flow inside.
This is just too awesome. I'm liking the whole nerf part of all this XD. Excellent work, is there a Jorge suit going along with this?
This is just too awesome. I'm liking the whole nerf part of all this XD. Excellent work, is there a Jorge suit going along with this?

Admittedly, there was absolute minimal Nerf involvement in this build. When I started, I thought I was going to incorporate much more, until I found that this gun is significantly bigger than the Nerf Vulcan!
guns looks great but i notice that the grips lilttle off it sits more at a angle. other wise looks really darn good im hopeing to build the station turret model of it with that shield on it
that thing looks like it need the words " gods own anti son of a b#%^h machine! " on the side of that beast! great work, i cant wait to see it done!
guns looks great but i notice that the grips lilttle off it sits more at a angle. other wise looks really darn good im hopeing to build the station turret model of it with that shield on it

You know, I have learned that a little tweak in something very small can sometimes mean the difference between confort and misery!

When I hold the gun, since I am right handed, I would be holding the forward grip with my left hand. If the forward grip was completely perpendicular to the center axis of the gun, It would put some strain on my wrist. I figured out through, oddly enough, my athletic friends, that if the grip was rotated by a few degrees counterclockwise, my wrist and arm would align much better. As a result, the weight of the finished weapon (a projected 20-30 pound range) would be carried by my entire arm instead of just my wrist joint. It is non-cannon, yes, but I would rather have an intact wrist than an accurate weapon. :rolleyes
Truth is, I didn't use a whole heck lot of any nerf guns, but there are most certainly more mods out there!
I am currently working on making a gun like that at 5 feet long made out of left over pine wood. I would love to see what they both tern out to be like when we finish. P.S. looking at your pictures is going to really help out with the planing part of my project.
Yeah, but i am going to paint my differently seeing as its only for the purpose of have such a cool gun unlike most other people on this sight that make it look profetionaly done.
would you really want to use pine, I am not a wood worker, but I have been told to avoid it whenever I can!
the reason you are told to avoid it is because it is very little and fragile, but seeing as i am not abusing it in anyway it should work out fine. It is my choice because it is cheap and light, and works for what i need it for.
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