What can i say that hasn't been said...
so i will just stare and not say a damn thing lol
Great job as usual hon. I look forward to seeing what is to come
Thank you
Ok not only am I impressed about your build but Im impressed that you actually respond to every post LoL
Hehehehe, what can I say...I appreciate the comments
I have been viewing you build from time to time now and its getting more and more impressive. I'm really amazed by your skills, Hands down!!
Just dropped my jaw and lost it....
in my language: Ninduta ana oi! maka buang man na!!
Translation: That's so awesome!!! im going crazy about that!!!!
Thank you, glad you're diggin' the build!
i have no words im so excited to start working on my version of Kat, i swear your thread is like a tv episode! your doing great keep it up!!
Hahaha, thanks girl!
I read through 48 pages of pure genius! You have some mad talent here!

I haven't looked at this thread in quite some time but oh my god this is one of the best built costumes I've ever seen I just wish I could learn how to get to this level of awesomeness!
Thank you so much! It takes a loooot of time!
Ok guys...Sunday night...
Update Time!!!
Sooo, this week was kind of a hodge podge of wrapping up the pieces for the robotic arm. I still need to finalize the attachment for the shoulder and hand plate, but I pretty much have the pieces together-ish...
I constructed one of the shoulders, based on my usual method of template sketching and foamies:
I also did an attempt at a glove for the right hand (starting with a sketch, as usual). I don't really like how it turned out, so I may redo it later if I feel like torturing myself again, lol. Lesson learned: I have very small hands...which means a very small glove...with very small details...not a very good idea for a first stab at making a glove. Kind of drove me crazy!
Aaaand, as promised...here's what it all looks like with the chest piece (and finished up forearm):
So, that's pretty much that for now. On to the left arm!
And, as always...
keep building guys!!!