Thanks for all the love guys! This past week was crunch time to wrap up the suit, so sorry for going MIA again...I was painting like a madman to get everything together to a wearable status!!!
nessorwar, wizardofcoz, Annanymous, NayrDeathExperience, Skullptura, thorn696, Spartan_127, ColFork85, briciius, Mstruvmgc:
Thank you all so much for the comments!!! They provide amazing powers of motivation!
Is there nothing you can't do Lil??? The paint looks so realistic!!! I'd love to see a paint tutorial from you if you're up to it! (After your armor gets finished of course)
Hahaha, thanks vshore. I can possibly look into a paint tut
Yup. Still in love with this entire build! It looks awesome Lil! I can't wait to see it all put together and finished, It's absolutely mind blowing just broken down into pieces. Definitely have found the motivation here to start really devoting my free time into my build. Great Job!
Also, I'm sure this is somewhere in the thread, and I looked through to try and find it but didn't see it anywhere. How did you manage to get the actual edges of the foam so clean? I've been working on mine and that seems to be my biggest problem so far. A friend told me I could just sand it out, but I wasn't sure how well the foam would hold up to that.
Thanks Deveralia! Glad to offer some motivation! As for the edges of the foam, I just make sure that my X-Acto blade is nice and sharp before I cut. As the blade gets dull, it begins to tear the foam and leave ragged edges. Also, sanding with a dremmel works too!
So would you consider doing a custom undershirt commission

Hahaha. I'm flattered you would ask, but unfortunately it's not something that I'd be interested in doing for a couple of reasons:
1. Tailoring a custom undersuit to really fit properly would be a pain in the butt if the wearer cannot be there in person for test fitting and adjustments.
2. I don't have enough free time to do commissions
and my own projects
3. Once it's a commission, it becomes work to me...and I'd rather not have anymore overtime, lol!
still planning a jun suit..or moving on to a halo 4 suit?
Well, I'm not sure if the next suit will be Jun...but it
will be another Reach build! Right now my guy is debating which member of Noble Team he wants to be, so I won't know until he decides!
Looks great, anything bother you when you wear it all?
Thanks! I had my first test run last night, and overall it went really well and was much more comfy than expected! I'll elaborate more on that in my update below.
Girl your suit is going to be the BOMB!!!
I wish I had your painting skills to give mine that extra pop. Maybe when I am done with my Ironman suit I will fire up my skills from back in the day and get Masterchief looking the way he deserves.
On another note OMGZ! I am loving foamies and sprey mount! I am making an MA5C to go with my MK VI suit for my Haloween night out and incorporated that technique in and I don't know how I have lived with out it. In fact normaly I couldn't get this done in the time I have. The build is flying along now I am not sticking to my 10mm foam comfort zone

Thank you hun and sooooo looking forward to seeing the suit finished. I pray there will be a weapon or two to follow once your done with it, I am sure there will be

Lol, thanks drack! I'm glad the foamies and spray mount are working for you! And I definitely will be doing some weapons, but I may wait to do them until after I finish my guy's suit.
*Has just read through 65 pages of armor-building heaven*
My goodness, this is amazing. I'm absolutely dying to see your next update.
Agreed ^^ one of the best reads on here and the pictures are purely amazing!
Thanks guys! So glad it hasn't gotten boring by now, lol!
Alright's finally here...a big, huge **UPDATE TIME**
Last night was my official deadline to have a wearable suit, and I finally managed to pull it all together in time for my first Halloween celebration! I'm still not
officially *finished* with the build, but it has reached a point where I feel I can count it as "done." So, without further ado...
The first complete suit up:
Some close ups:
And a few more shots:
And the suit's first trip out in public:
A bit about my first test-run in the suit:
>> I wore the suit for a little over 5 hours last night and was much more comfortable than expected! It was about 70 degrees out, and so I was a bit toasty but nothing unbearable.
>> I was able to ride in the car, dance, walk and even take bathroom breaks easily! I was surprised that bathroom breaks only took about 5 min extra. I'm definitely glad I split my thighs so that they could be removed without having to take off my knees, boots, or shins.
>> The only issues encountered: one of my warning decals fell of my thigh, my boots would periodically shift up (since they currently have no soles), and my visor had some very minor fogging.
Overall though, I'm happy with the result! Thank you all so much for checking out the build and...
**More pics to come!!!***