Woo-hoo! So thankful to see the site is back to normal. Thank you admins for all of the hard work

The next few multi-posts are my reposts of updates that were lost in the revert
@Keith: The paint variation was from various washes. As far as I can tell, the paint did not react to the foam in any way.
Blackblood: I would recommend deconstructing (physically or mentally) existing pieces of clothing for pattern reference and fit.
With SDCC coming up in a few months, I figured I should take some time to wrap up some loose ends on the suit and finally add a legitimate weapon. After some time away from the project, I came back to it and realized that ultimately...I'm not really diggin' the helmet. I think my rush to get it done (combined with a visor that was really too big) resulted in the helmet getting bigger and more rounded than it should be.
For Helmet 2.0, I decided on two things: to make it as small as I can and to forget using a motorcycle visor.
>> To make it smaller, I started by tracing my head on some paper. Then I re-drew the helmet around the tracing, bringing the lines in as close as possible:
>> The motorcycle visor caused issues with warping the foam. Since foam is not very rigid, the natural wide shape of the visor prevented the helmet from being as thin as necessary. This time, I'm using thin flexible plastic combined with window tint. I still need to explore tint options, as the current one is too transparent. The plastic is not curved, but for me it is a better option than the motorcycle visor (for sizing purposes).
>> I then went to work modifying my previous helmet pattern to get a better size and shape. Here's a side-by-side comparison before paint:
>> What it looks like on:
I know it's not perfect, but so far I'm much happier with the new version