Well-Known Member
Never got back with you, but Thanks for the info on the appliques and I appreciate it. Love the boots.
ThanksThis is the first thread I subscribed to here and I'm more than Wow'd by your work. Could you set the bar any higher for new guys? LoL. You are an inspiration to do WAY better. Makes me want to become a seamstress......but without losing my man card kinda way....![]()
Thaaank you! Your comments totally made my day! Glad to be able to offer motivationOkay, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through this whole thread. I'm not sure how I missed it from the start but that is not the point. I can honestly say that so far you are creating the most complete and detailed Reach suits I have seen by any fan. There are so many good builds on the site and each has their own strengths, but your build is by far the most well rounded. I can't find any area to critique. (as a teacher that can be distressing lol) I really love that you have paid so much attention to every possible detail. Layering the armor and undersuit really makes it look like it is made of different armored panels linked together. It is a look that has been missing from other builds, especially my own. The udersuit is hands down the best I have EVER seen. Kudos for creating something that captures all those details and still remains movable.
I could go on singing your praises but I'll stop for now. You have made my day and helped re-motivate me to work on my own costume.
Can't wait to see more!
Hahaha, thanks. Awesome that you're diggin' the bootsholy crap... i skip town for a few weeks and this is what happens?! you m'am have raised the bar for full suit builds full stop. as a straight guy i'll admit i went a bit girly when i saw the gorgeous boots too, they look incredible!! and the suit is coming together very nicely, just mind blowingly awesome. i still find it hard to believe that it's made from foam :O .
Thank you! I appreciate that you're liking the build so much. As for an under armor tutorial, lately I've barely been able to scrounge enough time to make any progress on just this unfortunately I don't think it's really something I can make the time to doOmgosh this is the best set of armor I have seen! Although it would be very hard and time consuming can you PLEASE make a tutorial on the under armor alone? I know its easier said then done, but I'm certain if you do one it would be the best under armor tutorial by far! Blowing away all of the pressure suits. Everyone would love it and use it in their builds. I'm just one person, but if you do make one (please) you would be kinda like a hero. I would love going to the midnight release for Halo 4 with a fancy set of under armor. I hope you consider this.
They still need the ankle seals, but the foam part is pretty much wrapped up. Hooray!
Until next time...keep buildin' guys![]()