Almost EVERY piece fits!?

That's awesome! How do the boots feel? I didn't think the robo arm would fit since I custom built that to fit tight around my arm to give the illusion that my right arm looked smaller than my left so that it would look more like the prosthetic arm.
After I read the messages on facebook between you and my dad and saw that you got it, I had to come here and check to see what you did so far.

I know I had some weird neck piece thing in the chestplate and I put it there to keep it from sliding around my neck, but you can remove that if you want. You can just do whatever you need to do to the suit to make it fit.
The thighs shouldn't be too hard to alter to make fit. That's a pretty easy one as long as it's just the width that needs to be changed up a bit. Can't wait to see how you get everything together.
But I am still alive and well. Although I can't work on my hayabusa at the moment cause a lot of stuff was moved to my dads. :\ Hopefully I will be able to work on it again soon cause I still want to go to the Halo 4 midnight release!!!