I just wanted to pipe in and set your mind at ease about the basic training thing. He'll be fine. When I went through basic in the Navy, I started out as a very unconfident and nervous person (thank you very much high school) at 6'1" weighing only 160 lbs. When I was finished, my family and friends told me there was a noticeable difference in my confidence as I was more outgoing. I also gained 25 lbs of pure muscle in two months. As long as your boyfriend has a stable personality, he'll only gain from the experience. Now I can't say for sure about the Air Force since I was in the Navy, but I can't imagine that basic training would be all that dissimilar, but there were a lot of things that were a lot of fun in boot camp. So, like I said, he'll be fine. Wish him luck from all of us here.