jedi spartan, well i have got just one word, genius
Thankyou! I never thought of it like that... Your compliments motivate and inspire me! SWEET. LOL I might have some pics to post from doing the dual visor thing.
Stay Tuned!
halo + star wars = the combination of 2 of my most favorite things. did you make that lightsaber? just curious because ive made one myself
I love both universes too! The light saber is a Collectors Edition Light Saber... so alas I did not make it.

------->But its still COOL!
I should bow down to you for the work you have done, it is really just amazing. I have made one low detail suit and was not happy with it at all and am in the market for the best pep parts, may i ask who's files did you use and the scaling method. (i'd look threw the whole thread but thats a lot of pages haha)
Keep up the FANTASTIC work longshot you inspire all us.
Oh wow... that's a bit of a loaded question for me to answer in one post. OK, I'll keep it very short:
- I used the following files from here:
I chose all of the "Mark VI: High Detail parts" from the following: Robogenisis, Crackhead09, FlyingSquirl and Nugget.
- The scaling methods that I used were a combination of the following methods:
- Xtreem TACTICS 101's "
How to Scale your Armor: Tutorial V.2"
- Trial and Error
- Calculating a few of my body measurements with the pieces support structures.
Honestly the best thing you can do, is do what I did... Research, read, research more, and read even more... There's lots of knowledge in these threads. They really are worth reading.
Jedi sartan really, you must love leds. (JK)
OH yes I do! I love playing around with lights. Any kind and the more the better, as long as its artistic, awesome and fantastic. I do try to exercise of control over how many I use.
I don't want to go too excessive.
Haha, I know I have said before to you on Facebook, but awesome job, Long-shot!! It's really an inspiration to any noobs out there, and just everyone in general, how much someone can accomplish. ^_~
Thank you! I'm glad that this thread is inspiring and motivational. Yes I feel that the best way to show how much someone can accomplish is to set and example and say: "Look what I did -- as a Noob!!!!" Thank you SIR!
Quick progress update: I'm currenlty working on my helm, attempting to put in the second visor... Basically I'm following the
Dual Layer Visor Mini-Tutorial So far the tutorial is very straight forward and easy to implement. I should have some finsihed pics by the end of the day.