Looking for Master Chief's MJOLNIR Mark VI Non-Anniversary Print Files

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As the title implies, I'm looking for that armor. I looked at the resource available here, aaaaaand it's just a hand pad or something. Would anyone know where I can find the whole thing? I'm willing to settle for the anniversary edition of the armor if that's all that's available. I know that there is a nice anniversary helmet model on thingiverse and I've already got that downloaded, but I'm having trouble finding anything else. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I'm looking to maybe make some or most of the armor out of foam. I know that I can use Armorsmith to make and print patterns, but what I don't know is what foam I should use, what thickness, etc.
So, to clarify, you want Master Chef's Mark VI in Foam? The title of "Print Files" makes it seem like you want 3D print files, but if you want to do it in Foam, you'll want to do it Pepakura with .PDOs files.

You will also want to specify if you want the Halo 2 or Halo 3 Mark VI.

Your comment of only being able to find the hand pad makes me think you are going for Halo 2, which is just a lower definition version of the same armor from Halo 3.

So to pull off a Halo 2 Chief in Foam, use the entry for the Halo 3 Low Definition files:

Then use the Halo 2 Specifc Handplate files :
So, to clarify, you want Master Chef's Mark VI in Foam? The title of "Print Files" makes it seem like you want 3D print files, but if you want to do it in Foam, you'll want to do it Pepakura with .PDOs files.

You will also want to specify if you want the Halo 2 or Halo 3 Mark VI.

Your comment of only being able to find the hand pad makes me think you are going for Halo 2, which is just a lower definition version of the same armor from Halo 3.

So to pull off a Halo 2 Chief in Foam, use the entry for the Halo 3 Low Definition files:

Then use the Halo 2 Specifc Handplate files :
Sorry, I want print files, but Armorsmith can also export those print files as 2D patterns to be printed off as a paper print when exported if you so choose.

I would've sworn that I specified Halo 2 lol. My bad.

Wait, the only change between the Halo 2 MK VI and the Halo 3 MK VI is that the Halo 3 version is simply the higher resolution version of the Halo 2 armor??
Yes the Halo 2 (2004) Mark VI and the Halo 3 (2007) Mark VI are supposed to be the same armor, as Halo 2 flows right into Halo 3 narrative-wise. That said, in the upgrade from the OG Xbox (Halo 2) to the XBox 360 (Halo 3) they were able to add more detail to the model and did change the Hand plates, but, the armor is virtually the same aside from that.

This is the best image I have readily available at the moment, Halo 2 on the left and Halo 3 in the middle in the image below. Halo 4 on the right, but that's not germane to this conversation.


If you want 3D print files, Moe has an excellent Mark VI set that can be used for Halo 2 and 3 dependent on your finishing on the prints.
Hi der!
My first suit was a master chief mk6. I used those same files that Cadet linked for you (I ended up using the low def pdo foam files for my suit, but still used the halo 3 hand plates). This is what kind of result you can get with those files:


Hopefully that gives you an idea of how close it is to the halo 2 look that you're going for. I would really recommend those files for a halo 2 build. They're very easy to work with and get a pretty darn good result. They're much simpler and easy to make than say mk7 foam files.

Of course, if you like working with 3D print files and then don't let me stop you! I just thought I'd add my two cents :)
Hi der!
My first suit was a master chief mk6. I used those same files that Cadet linked for you (I ended up using the low def pdo foam files for my suit, but still used the halo 3 hand plates). This is what kind of result you can get with those files:

Hopefully that gives you an idea of how close it is to the halo 2 look that you're going for. I would really recommend those files for a halo 2 build. They're very easy to work with and get a pretty darn good result. They're much simpler and easy to make than say mk7 foam files.

Of course, if you like working with 3D print files and then don't let me stop you! I just thought I'd add my two cents
Thanks for the reply!

if you like working with 3D print files and then don't let me stop you! I just thought I'd add my two cents
Sorry, I'm sorta confused. Are you saying that they are easy to work with on a printer or not easy to work with on a printer? I'm thinking about doing it partly in foam and partly printed, but I've never done anything like this before so I'm not sure what should be printed and what I could get away with in foam. Also, I would need a pattern for the undersuit.

I must admit, Armorsmith is kicking my butt trying to get the measurements right. I even had someone help me, and the chest came out super wonky. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Yes the Halo 2 (2004) Mark VI and the Halo 3 (2007) Mark VI are supposed to be the same armor, as Halo 2 flows right into Halo 3 narrative-wise. That said, in the upgrade from the OG Xbox (Halo 2) to the XBox 360 (Halo 3) they were able to add more detail to the model and did change the Hand plates, but, the armor is virtually the same aside from that.

This is the best image I have readily available at the moment, Halo 2 on the left and Halo 3 in the middle in the image below. Halo 4 on the right, but that's not germane to this conversation.

View attachment 339315

If you want 3D print files, Moe has an excellent MArk VI set that can be used for Halo 2 and 3 dependent on your finishing on the prints.
Dang, the Halo 3 suit does look cooler, doesn't it... GAH, I'm torn. I want to print BOTH, but I know I need to stick to just one for now. I think I need to stick with Halo 2.

As a side note, Armorsmith is kicking my butt where getting the measurements right is concerned, and I have yet to find a video that demonstrates in easy to follow steps how to take the measurements. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
So the way Nate and the vast majority of our members make their foam costumes is to use the Pepakua templates designed specifically for Foam in The Armory. These files are in the .PDO format that is designed to be opned with either the free Pepakura Viewer or the paid Pepakura Designer. Files cam be scaled up in either program, but chnages to the file cam only be saved in the paid Designer. PDO files can can also be opened with armorsmith.

We have a lot of great tutorials on using Pep and Foam in tutorial index:
So, to clarify, you want Master Chef's Mark VI in Foam? The title of "Print Files" makes it seem like you want 3D print files, but if you want to do it in Foam, you'll want to do it Pepakura with .PDOs files.

You will also want to specify if you want the Halo 2 or Halo 3 Mark VI.

Your comment of only being able to find the hand pad makes me think you are going for Halo 2, which is just a lower definition version of the same armor from Halo 3.

So to pull off a Halo 2 Chief in Foam, use the entry for the Halo 3 Low Definition files:

Then use the Halo 2 Specifc Handplate files :
Hey, so I got the files, but it has a bunch of mesh error. What can I do to fix it?
If you have the PDOs for the Armory, those are intended to be used with Pepakura. It is my understanding that they can be opened with Armorsmith, but they are designed for, and get the best results with, Pepakura.
If you have the PDOs for the Armory, those are intended to be used with Pepakura. It is my understanding that they can be opened with Armorsmith, but they are designed for, and get the best results with, Pepakura.
Gotcha. In the meantime I did find this set which is the exact same set, but made for 3D printing. The model meshes are coming out well on this one. Might want to link it in the repository.

Moe's files are already linked in the 3D Model Index and I already linked you to those same files, just pre sliced, on Thursday up in post 4.
Sorry, I'm sorta confused. Are you saying that they are easy to work with on a printer or not easy to work with on a printer? I'm thinking about doing it partly in foam and partly printed, but I've never done anything like this before so I'm not sure what should be printed and what I could get away with in foam. Also, I would need a pattern for the undersuit.
Sorry for the confusion! I made the entire suit (besides the helmet) out of foam using the .pdo files. They are very nice to work with.

If you're going to be doing some armour pieces 3D printed and some armour pieces made from .pdo files and foam, it is up to you to decide what method to use for each piece. Some important things to consider are that from armour pieces will allow you to have more mobility than 3D printed pieces, but it is much easier to achieve a high level of accuracy with 3D printing.
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