Thanks, I just hope it'll be as good as I want it to be.
Tomorrow I'll probably get most of the basic shaping done, and put a coat of primer on it. I'll do some detailing somewhere in between.
I finally decided to get off my ass and start working on this Frakking thing, and I'm glad I did. Turned out to be worth the time I spent on it, and now I'll soon get it done. Pictures and a video for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.
Also, there ain't a lot of detail on the laser yet, but I will get to that. Thanks.
Wow, buddy. That's looking great! Liking the details you've further added to it, and I love the colour scheme you've applied to it. Is it the same colours as what Ithica and Lovebug used on theirs?
Wow, buddy. That's looking great! Liking the details you've further added to it, and I love the colour scheme you've applied to it. Is it the same colours as what Ithica and Lovebug used on theirs?
Of course I like it, buddy! That's some mighty-fine craftsmanship there
I only asked because it looks pretty much like how they finished theirs, so I thought maybe you'd watched his vid and used the same colours. What paint codes did you use for it? :unsure