MA5C Assault Rifle lots of pics

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If you ever get the electronics worked out for a decreasing ammo counter w/ trigger pull ability (and faux-recoil?), I definitely will buy one.
faux-recoil now thats some work....i have thought about making that move like in the game, but im swaped with life now....gotta get that in order also along with my over due orders
I figured that'd be the situation.

I'm talking some time down the line, 'cause I know you're a busy man in high demand.
I can show you how the false recoil works in the arcade guns that I work on, it's a pretty cool system involving tracks and an electromagnetic coil.

Let me know if I can help.
sounds good i would like to check that out sean but the electromagnetic i have to watch out both my parnets has pacemakers and those two dont go together
FinAeros said:
If you ever get the electronics worked out for a decreasing ammo counter w/ trigger pull ability (and faux-recoil?), I definitely will buy one.
Whats Faux Recoil?
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Whats Faux Recoil?
Every played Time Crisis in an arcade?

The guns recoil when you fire.... thats faux recoil. It makes the guns seem so much more realistic.
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Initial builds could be off of Ghost Squad-type arcade guncons, or any based off of a machine gun, but since I'm not familiar with the systems I can't say that a pistol wouldn't work as well.... I'm just pretty sure it's a different application of similar mechanics and systems since they typically have higher fire rates with the associated recoil than pistols do.


I really should probably stop coming up with ideas for other people.

I hope your life stabilizes and improves, Link. And not 'cause I'd like one of your fine props.
You know, I think Link would rather you guys pony up the money rather than sit there staring at his pictures of his gun ;-)

(but enough said :mrgreen: )
wow... this is the first time I've seen this.... and I must say...

THATS THE MOST AWESOME THING I'VE SEEN :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:
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