Wicked Demon 15

Member DIN
Another weapon thread for this guy! I'm still working on the Halo 3 turret, still need to to get the rotation mechanism working and add foam bits. Joining this year's wagon and doing the assault rifle foam build. But this will be on my back and done this week, I swear. I need it done before Halloween and Torg. This will be much easier. I'm using the same 1 inch cube magnets I used on my 3d printed Reach armor to attach it to my Mk7 back thruster.
I'm so tired of carrying my BR at cons, especially after I dropped it once while being rushed for a picture. Got the design from a YouTube video which I'll be following during this build. Keep yall posted, it'll be a shorter build thread.


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Got the base done, magnets added, and rod in the middle for extra strength. Time to start doing the details. Should take me a few days if the newborn allows.


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That's why I decided to make myself a foam ma40, I was tired of carrying around the nerf gun. I advise adding counterweights to the front of your chest so it doesn't want to move back alot while the rifle is on your back
Yeah I seen your post on Facebook! I'll be adding the battery pack for the lights up front. That should be enough because it is pretty hefty, but if not the ab wrap I'm going to make will have a buckle that will attach to the front of the torso keeping everything aligned.
All built! Just need to paint and might even add a working flashlight once I find a twist top one. It still connects to my back perfectly. I honestly love making foam weapons now, my thunder hammer and bolt pistol for my warhammer cosplay will be a breeze. Ready for torg!


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All done!! Just need minor fixes and the orange tip. I'm loving this thing. I honestly love it more than my BR, this is just so classic and a throwback to the ol days. The paint did do that crinkle thing when I put the darker gray on, so I peeled off as much as I could and painted over it.


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Thank you!! It is pretty crazy to think that I have a full prop ready to go in such a short time. Might not have all the amazing details as 3d prints but I can drop this and not scream.
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