1st Build Mark V [B] Build (3D printed)


Well then, this is a long time coming. So lets go back

A month ago I was able to get my gruby hands on a 3D printer, A Elegoo Neptune 4 Max to be exact. After a multitude of problems I was able to finaly able to get it to work, currently doing test prints and pretty soon should get started on the big one, so lets see what we are going to make

Main Goal: Create a Mark V B Armor from Halo Reach

Streach Goal:
Reach Magnum

Alright thats all the preliminary info out the way, Ill be back when we move out of Test Print's
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"Neptune 4 max" "multitude of problems" Yeah sounds about right lol (mines a 4 max as well)
I look forward to seeing your progress and good luck with the printer, it can be a bit finicky at times
i would say something that would significantly speed up the MA40 Creation is buying a nerf MA40 and repainting it. A magnum shouldn't be too much of an issue but me and many members have just repainted a nerf MA40 and it can look pretty dang good.
Adding on to Blaze's reply. There was a few online stores that well foam MA40s for pretty cheap. Shouldn't be too hard to repaint those either if you're just looking for a easy good looking prop.

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