MarkVII foam armor build

I'm loving your work, I apologize for my English, I want to start my own armor, could you tell me how you did to scale it to your size?
That is being my biggest complication so far
Before I started painting I found myself a colouring page of the Mrk7 armor and roughly coloured it in photoshop. This gives me a good way to play around with the placement of the colours. You can ofcourse just base this on your favorite in-game skin but I am an artist at heart and I wanted something unique to me. So here's the design I came up with.
View attachment 333092
Where can I find this template? I've been looking around for an accurate one but I simply cannot acquire one
I'm loving your work, I apologize for my English, I want to start my own armor, could you tell me how you did to scale it to your size?
That is being my biggest complication so far
I started with the lower arm pieces and just measured the papakura piece the had the most straightforward shape and compared that to my own measurements. Based on that I knew that the file actually quite matched my proportions. I lucked out and didn't actually need to resize much. Most resizing I did on the fly during the build: I took out strips of foam to make the fit tighter or added them to widen it. But like I said I didn't need to resize much in the end.
Where can I find this template? I've been looking around for an accurate one but I simply cannot acquire one
Iiiiii should have included a source! My bad, here you go
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Small update: I made hand plates!
They're 3D printed with PLA (you can see the print lines, I didn't sand them) and attached to the gloves with a copious amount of hot glue.
The paint is just acrylics again but with a protective layer of spray varnish.
Now that's cool! The cards look great.
Thankyou! I ended up getting close to 300 cards instead of the 75 I ordered so I will be handing them out even when I'm not in armor or I'll never run out haha
Just saw this thread and I loved everything you did! For sure inspired me to do a few things for my MkVII. Congrats on the grading and deployment!!
Thanks! I'm so happy it was helpful!
I need to figure out foam, i built a spartan out of PLA and Resin and wasn't a fan lol
its seriously quite easy, you can start with something like a bracer or something simple to get the hang of it. I basically made two sets of fantasy arm armor pieces before I started my armor build and it was super doable! Just leave the helm and chest piece till last x)
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