I will post in detail when I finished everything, but I will give you the details i have atm:
First I took apart a commercial CO2 Jet for festivals of a friend and found out it is a quite simple desing. In the middle is a noozle with multiple holes. Surrounded by a ring of metal. (I can send you or post an improvised sectional drawing). Behind the the nozzle and inside the metal ring are multiple holes, which are there to let fresh (and moistured) air inside. The air gets cooled down to create a white fog. I will try tro color this fog red with a ring of high power LED's.
So I managed to get some diesel injection nozzles and connected one with a 12g CO2 capsule, but the capsule lastet only one "shot" but it looks quite impressing. Now Im planning to hook the nozzle up with a 88g paintball Co2 bottle and an on of vent controlled by a servo or stepper motor.
The most difficult thing is to get hold of suitable injection nozzles. The spare parts are mostly the complete injector and cost around 100€. I am in the lucky position to work for a automotive company so I managed to get some nozzles as individual parts.
If you can find the nozzles, the rest is easy. Maybe I can organise two more and send them to you. But I still have a small problem. I need flexible high pressure tubes and since the nozzles do not have a connection thread i am still looking for a long lasting way to connect the stainless steel nozzles with rubber tubes. I am open for suggestions.
If you want, I can post some pictures of the nozzles so you know, what you are looking for. Let me know, if you need more information.