1st Build Marrows MK7 spartan


Jr Member
I first encountered the 405th at Summercon 23’ in Washington state. I got my hands on a booklet and realized a lot of the skills I acquired from creating custom mandalorians allowed me to make a full custom spartan. This thread will (hopefully) document my progress and experiences going through it!

To start my build I decided to spend time figuring out what I wanted to make, so with blender on one screen and Halo Infinite on the other I made a rough concept, then started to jot down notes on stuff I wanted to include. I settled on making a hybrid suit so I would have the ability to sit down comfortably without worrying about cracking a print, while also having the rigidity of 3D printed parts for the rest of the items.

I first printed an Anubis helmet, had a bad layer shift part way through, but I let it complete so I could get an idea for size and how much space is in the cheek. The helmet was to small, and I wasn't satisfied with the "chin" space, or the shape. (didn't quite match the 'vibe' of my armour) so I decided to do the ISR helmet, which closer matches my vibe and has better chin space for what I plan on doing.
(Ill upload photos of stuff once i like, get around to taking photos)

So far i have printed:
Knives (no sheaths yet lmao)
most of my helmet.

I plan on making my thigh armour out of foam so I can sit down, as well as parts of my belt. I have a decent bit of 1/2 inch EVA foam that i plan on using, but i need to modify some patterns based off of the sheer thickness of the foam, I think.
Ill try to keep this thread updated with my progress
This thread is more than 10 months old.

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