Tsau-Mia's undersuit thread, Adam's bluerealm replicate project, and the original bluerealm MC undersuit... couple resources to get your brain goin.. good luck!
lol I tried and failed making the visor just straight up without a vac once already, got a bubble visor coming in the mail, and if that fails I'm coming to mansfield and raiding your house for your vac former!!!! it's actually not that far lol
Well I resined every piece of the suit today. Can't really post a pic since everything is hardening in my backyard. But figured I'd give an update.
Tomorrow I plan to rondo the inside of the helmet and torso. Then cut my torso in 2 pieces so I can test fit. Lastly, I will do my first full test fit and see how the entire suit looks when its all together.
Looking great so far, I actually love the commando shoulder, so when mine gets posted on my MKV thread have a look at it for reference on the stripe that goes through it.
damn thats so awesome man. cant wait to see it bondo'd and resined. i wish i knew people here in sacramento or northern california to go to some cons with.
This is WAAAY better than my armor build, I think I should start working faster.
GREAT work, my friend. This is a major motivation for me.
Keep up the good work and keep inspiring.