still planning on vac-forming that visor? I can help you smooth it out if you want. other than that it's looking wicked awesome man! If I may ask, what are you gonna do for the little grenades? both our suits have em, so I figured I'd ask
ya and i dont wanna spend a ton of money on latex and other mold crap for a little grenade. What I'm doing now will suffice and still look good in the end....I hope lol
DUDE!!! Nice work! looks great! I like that people seem to be finally moving on to Reach armor! I see more and more of it now! look good my friend keep it up.
btw where did you get that boot file! I've been looking for a full boot myself but havent found one i like, but since i dont have the skill like some here to model one myself
I have to take what I can find. any way you could post where you got the boot file?
When you build your vacuum former and get your visor all done are you going to use Niteshades or are you going to use the Design masters brilliant gold to keep the look at the cost of limited visibility?
Hopefully it turns out ok. I am going to test this method on a piece of scrap plastic before the real visor. All I want is a visor that I can see through, no one can see me, and it is golden.
Looking good man ! I didn't realize you were doing a chest attachment as well, and I have to say it all looks totally legit . I like how it all turned out with the hard suit instead of foam . I lost patience with the stuff and I decided to switch over to foam for most of my suit . I am following this thread from now on .
Curious to see how the visor is going to come out. You mentioned a vac-form build? If so, is it custom or are you going off plans? 'cuz I'd love to build one of my own. Sweet build and keep up the awesome work!